You can go here to see what my gripe is with the Great White North this time. Not only is it cold, boring, and incessantly clean in the barren snow-hell of Canada, but now they honor past cowards of history.
Thanks to large amounts of hippies that infected our culture in the 60's and 70's and the fear of being crucified by the VC, about 10,000 people burned draft cards and fled to Canada, because like most protectors, you need to do something illegal and not have any consequences (well, except for those unknown protesters named Martin Luther King Jr and Gandhi who started the whole civil disobedience thing) they decided to run to Canada. Makes sense, Canadians don't say no to anything!
In essence a town in Canada (Nelson, British Columbia) is going to erect a monument to the draft dodgers that came to Canada and settled there. Give me a fucking break. Bastards lose the Stanley Cup and now they need to kick the US in the groin.
First, how can you erect a monument to people who ran from something? Even the pilgrims were assholes. These people ran from war instead of being arrested and taking the consequences like real civil disobedient do. These damned pussies run from war and now they are honored for it?
Second, it’s a slap in the face to veterans. You know how little people thought of them when they returned from Vietnam? People were latterly spitting on these guys. Now they get to see what happened to the real cowards… they get a monument.
This really pisses me off. Canada must have a real inferiority complex. Just cause they fought like ladies in Normandy for “the Queen” (that still is the official head of state in Canada) and aren’t actually a sovereign nation (they happen to be a common wealth of Britain in the same way Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the United States) doesn’t mean you have to take pot shots at Americans.
One thing I would put money on, though, is that Bill Clinton will be the Keynote speaker at the unveiling.
So, the question is what do we do about it? I think that since Canada doesn’t do much at all, we should just send marauding bands of Vikings to pillage and plunder the all the loot of Canada (located in Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec… what? You thought there was stuff in the other parts?). I know they have weapons and stuff, but those weapons were ours (and probably defaults, it’s not like Canada fights anything) so we can probably just remotely shut them off. One third of the population will surrender on the invasion’s opening moments (the French) and the rest will just think that they should have locked their doors and made assault weapons open to the general public.
Author: =][= Morok