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Picture of the Month

Probably the scariest picture I've ever seen... At least they'll keep the Japs from invading the South Pacific again.


Holy shit! An update. After so much time I decided that I have too much anger and contempt for the world to keep it in and not let all you lifeless pukes who still check this thing. Now you have reason to get up in the morning and live life. Now you can go back into the sun-light, only to be blinded and head back to the saftey of the internet.

I'm also looking to put up money for a Domain. Yeah, that's right. It's not talk this time. Once money comes in, it's gonna happen. This site will remain, dormant but a monument nonetheless.

It's not an April Fools. Expect more. Fear the rant.

Fuck you,

DISCLAIMER: What may be said on this site by me or anyone else may be offensive to goths, idiots, jocks, the French, gym teachers, small children and the elderly. If you are one of these groups, I'd just waste my time here instead of reading on. You've been warned. Also, information may be wrong, esspecially over time. Most of my info is taken from news sites (we know how correct they are all the time), so I wouldn't recomend using this site as a source of current news. Go to CNN, MSNBC or Fox for news like I do, asshole.

A little intro to the world of COMPLAINT.

New Rants!

We went to high school together? Fuck off.(4-4-05)

52 rants and counting

NOTE: All email links from the SORE THUMBS (5-3-04) rant on are fixed, I'm too lazy to go back and fix the rest right now. Angelfire doesn't like " marks in its tags for some reason. WTF?

A look back at '04... Boy it sure did suck!(1-1-05)

Silly immoral Canada!(1-1-05)

The punk band who cried wolf(12-13-04)

Anti-Flag praises the Congressmen that tried to reinstate the draft! Smart going!(12-7-04)

Up there with when the United Nations tried to say the a bulldozer company was comitting war crimes...(12-7-04)

Time to thank(11-22-04)

Burn in hell, mother fucker(11-12-04)

The hypothetical question Michael Moore starts to cry when he thinks about(10-29-04)

There goes the town!(10-26-04)

Columbus Day sucks... if only he'd be black, we could celebrate it freely(10-13-04)

Wow, Pillage and rape go a long way!(10-13-04)

History repeats itself, when conveignient...(10-8-04)

Well this isn't the way to get the Stanley Cup back... not that it matters since no season will happen...(10-3-04)

And here I thought communism was good for nothing(9-14-04)

Never doubt the idiocy of the poorly educated(9-8-04)

As soon as I watch, Britney isn't even there to strap on a cock and bang Shakira while she gest her silicone tits groped by John Kerry!(8-30-04)

LBI... Lots of Insufferable Idiots!(8-13-04)

Tokyo Rose strikes at American troops(7-31-04)

Underlings of the REAL problems(7-14-04)

Life's great... as long as you follow this list(7-14-04)

An open letter to Michael Moore from COMPLAINT(7-14-04)

Wow, people almost cared that college kids hate the president(7-9-04)

Apples Suck(7-7-04)

Demand Nothing(7-5-04)

Iraq is stupid(6-23-04)

Death of a great one.(6-6-04)

New American Way(5-17-04)

Well, it seems standing naked is way worse than getting your head chopped off... news to me.(5-11-04)

This Just In! Gore makes a political move! People are shocked!(5-4-04)

Al Franken and Michael Moore had a Child, and this is his webcomic(5-3-04)

Shoot these kids and their parents(5-1-04)

Cities really do blow(4-27-04)

Your dumbass attempts at Viruses suck(4-26-04)

Fuck your Socialism!(4-21-04)

My Jesus is better than yours!(4-19-04)

Maybe I'm not getting through... hopefully this Brit will...(4-19-04)

I guess DOODLING was the only requirement for me to be at art school(4-16-04)

They have more money, so will you(4-7-04)

Get over it, assholes...(3-30-04)

Hey, foo', come check out my rant! I pity the foo' who don't!(3-29-04)

Girls are evil creatures(3-27-04)

Hey everybody, it's Pennslyvania... get out you banjo(3-22-04)

Punks not dead... it's Republican(3-21-04)

Die-Journal, Die!(3-17-04)

I'd like to congratulate...(3-12-04)

Who the hell am I to say...(3-1-04)

The CODE for the Gen-X losers of today(2-29-04)

You're arts sucks, give it a rest...(2-29-04)

Conscious? What's that?(2-22-04)

LL So Gay (2-21-04)

Shoot your local Government (2-17-04)

God, I hate people (2-9-04)

Looks like a punk GAP add (2-8-04)

Books are a great thing, ignorance of them is not (2-8-04)

You're not the Crow, give it a rest (2-6-04)

White Flight (Guest Rant 2-5-04)

DiPaulo vs. Chapelle (2-5-04)

Some elderyl advise for the youngin's (2-2-04)

Politics and your local COMPLAINT writer (2-2-04)

Dude, where's my shotgun? (2-2-04)

Janet Jackson and the Superbowl (2-1-04)

Maury and Kids (1-29-04)

Recap (1-27-04)

The New Shit (1-25-04)

EMAIL DISCLAIMER: If you send my site email for any reason, you agree to the following terms:

  1. That I am right
  2. That I can post your emial, email address, name, etc. and anything else I find from your email in rants and other site related things.
  3. That I can make fun of your overall stupidity.
  4. That you are an idiot to send people hatemail.

Note: That I will reply ONCE to your email. If you send me further replies, the message "I did not read you last email" will appear in your inbox. And, be assured, I did not read your dumbass responce to my responce. If you keep sending me replies, I'll keep send you replies of "I did not..." If you don't stop responding, I will sign your ass up for every email porn site I can find. I think it's a fair trade.

You've been warned.
