Author:=][= Morok
Now, I’m not a sensitive person, even though that might shock a lot of you. I say what I want (unless I’ll get a severe ass kicking for it) and I laugh at funny statements. Now this might not surprise you, but I love the show Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn for the same reasons I love this web site. It’s a great show that shows different people’s opinions (for example, the 200% Italian Nick DiPaulo, the liberal Greg Giraldo, that bald conservative guy, and the fat black guy for the most part and barring special guests) who talk about different issues and present their (usually biased, often offensive) view on the events.
In any case, I’m watching it with my friend’s in the room across from mine and were laughing at the English born Arab guy yelling at the “white people” for some other joke he made. So, then they start going to the commercial break, but they have Nick DiPaulo do an out-tro called “Great Moment in Equality” were he was yelling at a grocery cashier that closed their lane before he could pay. Some black guy says he can go in front of him real quick, and DiPaulo makes a comment about how mad he must have been for the black guy to say something. He pays and as he’s leaving, the cashier tells him that she charged him for the black guy’s groceries too. He then says to the cashier “Don’t worry about it,” then says how it was a good payback and how much can a gallon of BBQ Chicken Sauce cost.
Now, as soon as he makes these comments on the black guy (Nick DiPaulo busts the black guy on the show about stuff like that too) my friend immediately says, “You know, that really wasn’t funny…”
I look at this kid and can’t believe what I just heard from this kid. Now, I know that he dates a black girl, and there’s no problem with that what so ever. I just find it a bit hypocritical that he can laugh at “dumb white people” jokes and as soon a black or gay joke is shot out, he gets all defensive. So I call him on it. I say, “Dude, you laugh at white jokes like it’s no one’s business.” He then replies to me, “But their funny, plus African-Americans have been made fun of enough in this country.”
At this point, I was thinking to myself, you hypocritical little boy! I told him you can’t laugh at any racial jokes if you can’t laugh at them all. He didn’t like that at all.
And that brings me to my point, that people shouldn’t give it if they can’t take it. That’s always how I was taught my dad (quite the buster, he taught me a lot about sarcasm and busting chops) and I consider him a wise man indeed. Of coarse, if you bring that idea to the table of race jokes, it seems really insensitive, doesn’t it? Well tough nuts. I laugh at Dave Chappell shows as much as Nick DiPaulo on Tough Crowd. I really might not like some of the portrayals of white people on Chappell’s show, but they are damn funny. And that’s the point of comedy, cause what fun is comedy if you don’t try and offend people in a satirical way.
Thought for the day is the quote (or reasonable facsimile thereof, my dad changed it a lot) from my dad: