It’s almost the election, four days away in fact. I sit here as my roomate shows another person the new single from Eminem called “Mosh”. It’s an anti-Bush song in the usual non-subtle way he writes his material. Now, I may not be Bush’s biggest fan and I’m NOT voting for him (or Kerry) when I walk into the booth, but I’ve had an interesting thought.
What if Bush wins?
What if Bush wins? What if he wipes the floor with Kerry or wins by 5-6 points. What will Emenem, Punkvoter, Michael Moore, ABC News, Dan Rather and all the others do if the “unthinkable” happens?
Lots of people already think that this year will be another fiasco and I’m inclined to agree. Since last election, tons of money has been dumped into election lawyers and investigative councils to see what the problems are. Already, people are complaining about convicts not being able to vote, ripped up ballots, “pre-emptive” striking at voter fraud and intimidation (even if there isn’t any signs of there being any, so says the DNC) and a multitude of other things.
But what if it happens, all the shit lulls down and Bush has won? What will all these people and political groups have to say about it? I mean, what could they say. They’ve been spouting as much propaganda bullshit (nearly as much as the current President’s administration) and has been spread much farther, thanks to the like of the internet.
I hope, in the event that this happens, that heads start exploding. There’s so much vitriol there, that I can’t imagine it NOT happening. Maybe some would actually stop making idle threats and move to Canada, it’s not like they turn the losing side away from anything!
Call, it strange, but I think that’d be the only good outcome of this election: deflating the bullshit egos of all these shake-and-bake political groups and individuals. I really don’t care who wins (though I hope it’s Steve Badnarik). Personally, I know MY head would explode if Ralph Nader were elected. Then I’d move to Canada. Uh... nah! Maybe England or something. Canada sucks, it really does. What a boring place to live.
People are such asses. There are a bunch of kids in my Logic class. The kind that play Gameboy Advanced in every situation, no matter the events happening around them. If they are not in class, they’re probably playing Ever Quest and the occasional Dungeons & Dragons. Just kidding, they don’t like things that aren’t computer related.
These people, for those of you familiar, talk about things like everything is a damned video game. They talk about the debates like Bush and Kerry were scoring frags on each other. They don’t seem to know any core issues, just the face value ones and the talking points of each party. It’s like they read the points of each party and decided which ever they like. They never thought about the underlying things that make a political and philosophical view. Some of YOU out there may not think even have these basics!
Here’s an example of the views. These are my underlying philosophies.
These are the base things that one needs to think about before they make a political decision. It’s sad that people usually decided from issue to issue. If people thought like this more often, maybe a third party wouldn’t be a strange dream.
Author: =][= Morok