My roommate has me hooked on Maury shows. He loves the ones with paternity tests, but my favorite are the kids that really bad. You know, those little 7-12 year olds that their parents (or mom for the most part, fathers are not present most of the time) can’t control worth a damn. These kids are horrible. They steal, threaten, beat siblings, swear and call their moms whores. It always boggles my mind when these kids come on.
”I’ve done everything I can!” The mothers exclaim. Yeah fucking right. Ever try smacking your kids? THAT works. Of coarse, it doesn’t work for every situation, but for these it will. They let these kids get away with it and then they want Maury to solve their own idiotic behavior by sending them a mentor or to boot camp (though I think boot camp is a fine place for an asshole kid). One of my friends had an experience with getting hit. One day he slipped and said “fuck” in front of his dad. He wasn’t a weak kid but his dad decked him once, knocking him out. That was the last time he said anything more offensive than asshole in front of his dad. I, personally, learned to keep my mouth shut in front of my dad, cause I know he’d kick my ass if shit like that happened.
It’s not that our dad’s were violent abusers, neither my friend nor I got physically abused by our fathers, it’s just that they were tough on us when we messed up and congratulated us when we were good. They always had time for us and we turned out fine (I’m going into Graphic Design and my friend is in the Rangers now). Being tough works.
When I’m a father, if my kid ever called my wife a “whore”, he’d get the biggest ass whooping of his life. And that would be the last time that he called her that… to her face. It’s perfectly fine to say things that the parents will never hear, as long as it doesn’t get back to them.
Another good method? This:
“What was that? ‘Fuck you’, I thought you just said? Well guess what, you worthless pile of dog heave…”
Now that will get a kid’s attention.