When you see democrats trying to distance themselves from another liberal, you know that guy is just an asshole. Take Michael Moore for example. He is such an extreme liberal asshole that not even Gen. Wesley Clark wants to be near him. Even Howard Dean has made remarks on how he’s not affiliated with Moore. DEAN. Yes, the guy who went nuts at the end of the Iowa caucus and nearly exploded during his speech thinks that Moore is bad for the party. You know who likes Michael Moore? College students and 50-somethings who want to look “hip” in the Bush-is-a-terrorist fashion scene. Moore is a marketing strategy for the stupid anyway.
With “Bowling for Columbine” his only work bigger than a cult hit, Moore shows us what he’s really gunning for (pun): disarming of the United States and turning it into a Communist Regime. The USSR did it, Iraq did it, and North Korea did, so why don’t we disarm our people too? Good thing we have a thing called the Constitution to protect us from nut-jobs like Moore. I’m not saying that we should give weapons out willy-nilly to any asshole that asks for one, I’m just saying that you should…
Seriously though, where do they come up with this bullshit? And what’s with the two bit, goddamned “war for oil” argument. Of COARSE the war is for oil, why the hell else would we be caring about the fucking Middle East. I assure you that we wouldn’t be so nice to all those assholes if they just started bombing us and we and no value for the area. Though, personally, I’d like to see hydrogen fuel technology started up so we can just go in a ruin all the oil supplies for those Middle East bastards and let them starve and rot.