are on call covering the entire hospital. Your pager goes off and
you answer the call. It's a patient you don't know, but are covering
for whose heart rate shot up to 150's and whose blood pressure suddenly
dropped. You tell the nurse you will be right there.
You arrive on
the scene and quickly eye ball the patient, he looks stable but
uncomfortable. You ask the nurse for the latest vitals, which are
a pulse of 148, BP of 82/69, 20 and 97% on RA. You take a look at
the vital flow sheet and notice he usually runs in the 140's/70's
and his pulse was in the 70's most of his hospital stay until 20
minutes ago when the heart rate shot up and the blood pressure dropped.
He was admitted a week ago for new left sided weakness and aphasia.
He has PMHx significant for an old CVA, HTN. On physical exam he
does not appear to be dry, has left sided upper and lower paralysis,
is aphasic and not following commands, which is how he presented.
He does not appear to be in distress. His exam is essentially normal
besides that and notably you feel the pulse to be rapid and regular.
You grab the EKG machine and try to figure out why he is going so
fast? Below is the EKG obtained at that time. What is the rhythm
causing him to go 150? (the answer is present on the EKG)
here for better quality image of EKG