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All the following cases are EKG's taken from ER's, Inpatient wards and Outpatient Clinics. They may be cardiac related or not, but all have interesting EKGs.

Case #1 - 75 year old female with complaints of "Light headedness"

Case #2 - 64 year old female with EKG changes while in patient for other reasons

Case #3 - 53 year old female with complaints of "Fever and Chills"

Case #4 - 71 year old female admitted for "Fall"

Case #5 - 69 year old female, routine Pre-op EKG

Case #6 - Medical student returns with bizzarre EKG and asks "What the heck?!?"

Case #7 - 24 year old male with unexplained syncope and palpitations

Case #8 - 64 Year old male in your office for a follow up visit post MI.

Case #9- 76 year old patient in need of a swan ganz

Case #10 - 55 year old male with palpitations and diaphoresis

Case #11- 76 year old female with Syncope and Lighheadedness

Case #12 - 83 year old female here for "wellness visit"

Case #13 - Interpreting a pile of routine EKG's with one that gets you puzzled

Case #14 - 56 year old female with Sudden onset of diaphoresis, palpitations and Syncope

Case #15 - 67 year old male who "feels his heart skip a beat"

Case #16 - 63 year old male admission in the middle of night

Case #17 - A call in the middle of the night from the telemetry floor "Hurry it's V-Tach"

Case #18 - Patient waiting for pacemaker with bizzare wave forms on a daily ekg

Case #19 - 73 year old female in the ER with Nausea and vomiting

Case # 20 - 59 year old male in your office for a check up

Case #21 - You are the resident and the Intern asks "What the heck is the Rhythm?"

Case #22 - Correlating your physical exam with the EKG

Case #23 - 77 year old male in the CCU post MI

Case #24 - Curb side consult on a puzzling EKG

Case #25 - 79 year old female admitted with Pneumonia

Case #26 - 66 year old male admitted for bloody diarhea

Case #27 - Overnight Events Telemetry Strip

Case #28 - 19 year old male with Syncope and Chest Pain

Case #29 - 64 year old male with Shortness Of Breath

Case #30 - Where is the lesion?

Case #31 - Evolving EKG changes

Case #32 - Dont Do Drugs

Case #33 - 56 year old male with Sudden Onset of Shortness of Breath

Case #34 - Patient Unresponsive on the Telemetry floor

Case #35 - WHat is really going on here?

Case #36 - Hidden rhythm

Case #37 - Cross Coverage with rapid heart rate and low blood pressure

Case #38 - 89 yo female with change in mental status

Case #39 - Patient with irregular rhythms all night on telemtry

Case #40 - 80 year old female with Delerium from a nursing home

Case #41 - 92 year old man in Respiratory Distress

Case #42 - Chest Pain for Soft Rule Out MI Admission

Case #43 - Is this New Onset Atrial Fibrilation?

Case #44 - A not so routine EKG