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Creating An Animation, Page Three

You are now ready to create your animation. Open up Animation Shop and click on the animation wizard (Located on the toolbar, first icon). Follow the frames as shown below.

Set the speed at 75.

When you click on “Next” you will be taken to the page where you will now add all the frames (e.g. e1, e2, e3, e4, e5).

Insert all of them into this area by clicking on “Add Image” button. Make sure that you start at the last frame (e5) and then hold down the “Shift” key as you click on the first frame (e1). This will now appear in numerical order in the list area (see below). These are entered in one order but will appear in the opposite order so that is why you start at the end to make sure that it starts at the beginning.

Click on the “Next” button and you will now be at the last page of the Animation Wizard. Click on the “Finish” button as shown below.

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