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Mirror Tutorial, Page 2

With this frame active, right click and choose "copy". Go back to the transparent background and right click anywhere on the background. Choose "paste as a new selection". Drag this reflection image, holding down the mouse until you are satisfied with the location. Let go of the mouse and you will now see marching ants around this reflective image.

Open the male image (PEOP1263_smaller.psp).  

Right click on this image and choose "copy".  Right click on the background  choosing "paste as new selection".  Drag this to the desired position, holding down the mouse, and then release when you are satisfied with the location.  

**Always keep in mind that there is a redo button which looks like a backward blue arrow located on the 2nd menu bar. Or you can click on "Edit" on the menu bar and choose "undo".**

Now we are going to crop this down to size. Click on the crop icon.

Start at the top left side of the image, hold down the mouse, drag to the right and then down to just below the image.  

Release the mouse and you will now have a rectangular box surrounding it.  Click on "Image" on the menu bar and choose "crop" from the drop down menu. 


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