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Glenn & Diane Online


Welcome to Glenn, Diane & Rachel's Website...  We hope you have a good time...  Send us an E-mail...

This is the official web site of Glenn, Diane & Rachel Sherman.  Come on in and browse around and Please E-mail us at

Inside you'll find information we'd like to share.... 

New Baby! Rachel Anne was born on August 2, 2002

Our New Home We moved into our new house,  in July of 2001.  It is a 4 bedroom home located in Lawrenceville, NJ

New York - Gotta problem wit dat?

New Jersey - Where we live, what to do, where to go, etc.

Our Wedding - We got married on September 9, 2000

Our Honeymoon in the Greek Islands - Our favorite place!

Our Vacations - Paris, London, Toronto, Quebec, Boston, Las Vegas, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Rome, Venice, Florence, and others...

Friends and Family - Pictures, facts and links to various friends and family members

Recipes - Glenn's recipes by category

Restaurants - Some of our favorites

Useful Information - Important dates, facts and events

Thanksgiving 2001 - We hosted Thanksgiving this year!

Holiday Pictures 2001 - Includes our 12/15 Holiday party!

***We made the Papers *** - From the Staten Island Advance!

Home House Photos Recipes New Jersey Information Thanksgiving 2001 Restaurants Wedding Holidays 2001 Honeymoon Rachel New York Vacations Friends & Family Favorites Lawrenceville Useful Information Guests















This page was last updated on 08/28/02.