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WHSA: Indoor, Outdoor, Travel, Intown Soccer build self confidence for Girls and Boys

Watchung Hills Soccer Association

(Serving Long Hill Township, Warren, Watchung & Green Brook, NJ)

WHSA HOTLINE: (908) 647-8342


In Town

WHSA is a registered non profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization

Watchung Hills Soccer Assoc., Inc.
c/o:   Marie Mluzan
16 Quill Pen Way
Warren, NJ 07059  
e-mail :

WHSA Hotline: 908-647-8342

Recreational Intown Soccer Program

 2003/2004 Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsor                       _____________________________________

Address                       _____________________________________

City/State/Zip              _____________________________________

Sponsor contact          _____________________________________

Phone                           (________)____________________________

Fax                               (________)____________________________

 E-mail                           _____________________________________

 Website for link:          _____________________________________

 Do you have a child that should be on this team?  NO ¸   If YES, fill in below:

 Child’s name _________________________________Sex ____  Grade ____

 In consideration for your sponsorship fee your business name will be placed on one team’s T-shirts and listed on our website. You may also choose to pick another name for your team. (WHSA may at its sole discretion reject any name.) The team name may also be used in any newspaper articles that the team puts out.

 Team Name as it should appear on the T-shirts

(Business name with website & phone # can be put on shirts) 

         (Line 1)

         (Line 2 – optional)

 Sponsorship Levels:

  ¸       GOLD SPONSOR 2003-2004 - 3 Seasons  (Fall 2003, Indoor 2004 & Spring 2004)        $600

or individual seasons:

q       Outdoor season sponsorship    $225

q       Winter 2004          Indoor season sponsorship            $225

q       Spring 2004          Outdoor season sponsorship         $225

WHSA reserves the right to use your sponsorship in another season (than as requested) based on need unless you have a child that should be on the team you are sponsoring.

 Ų     Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $ _________

made payable to “Watchung Hills Soccer Association, Inc.”


_________________________                     _______________

Sponsor Signature                                         Date                                   Revised April 2003

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