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Street Medic Information

IntronIAs a medic, one should always be aware of the dangers, both medical and otherwise, present at any demonstration. This page deals mostly with preparing for and treating medical emergencies at a protest. The links page, however has many links to help protesters deal with non-medical dangers.

SummarynIThe following table contains quick links to all of the conditions a medic should be aware of before going to a protest. Each condition contains general information, preventative measures, signs and symptoms, and appropriate treatments. As well, contained below are tow sections dealing strictly with what to bring and how to dress for the protest.

NOTE: For Lodging during the Quebec Protests, medics should contact Operation Quebec 2001 and email for carpooling options.

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How To Dress

As a street medic, your primary priority is your own protection. Therefore, compiled below is a list of not only medic-specific items of clothing, but also a general overview of clothing to ensure the medic is protected.
Cover up as much as possible to protect skin from tear gas or pepper spray exposure.
Wear clinched wrist and ankle clothing.
Avoid cotton and wool as outside layers, which are fuzzy and absorb chemicals.
Wash clothes in a non-detergent soap several times. This is because detergents enhance the effects of the chemicals on one's skin. Castille (or vegetable) soap works best and can be found at any pharmacy.
Wash yourself with castille soap before the protest.
Wear rain gear as an outer layer. This ensures maximum protection against chemicals contacting your skin. There is a trade-off here between comfort and protection.

Do Not Wear:

Piercings, jewellery, ties, or anything else that can be grabbed by the police. Some piercings may be taped over.
Contact Lenses as chemicals can get trapped between them & eyes. May cause damage.

The following is a list of clothing a medic should bring to a demo
Medic-Specific Clothing
  • Rain Pants
  • Rain Coat, Pants and Hat
  • Gloves
  • Comfortable & dry shoes, running shoes or Steel Toed Boots
  • Helmets
  • Padded Pants, or Goalie Pads for sit-downs.
  • Castille Soap
  • Sealed Goggles, Safety Glasses (swim or ski, shatter-proof if chance of plastic bullets)
  • Gas Mask, Face Filter, Respirator or Bandana soaked in apple cider venegar
  • Spare Clothes in sealed bag
  • Red or other bright Hat
  • Vest with pockets
  • Cargo Pants
  • Red Cross/ Identifying Mark
  • Knee Pads, for treating people
  • Pack with Labeled Pouches


What to Bring

As a medic, there are numerous things one should bring to an action to ensure the safety and preparation of all people involved. The following tables are divided into two tables: One for general items, which everyone should have, and one specific to trained medics whose sole role in the action is to help people who are victims of action misfortune. It is extremely important that any container brought to an action to carry water, alcohol, or any solution, be non-leaking, pop-topped and easily squirtable.

General Supplies common to all members of an action
  • Important Telephone Numbers (careful if arrested)
  • Energy Bars
  • Drinking Water (2 L a day)
  • Money for phones, food, taxi, etc.
  • Pad and Paper
  • Map
  • Spare Clothes in sealed bag
  • Optional Items
  • Two-Way Radio
  • Compass
  • Cell Phone
  • Flashlight
  • Blanket/Sleeping bag
  • Fanny Pack
  • Knife or Scissors (careful--cops may consider these weapons)
  • First Aid Kit

Supplies specific to medical treatments and trained medics
  • A good First Aid Kit
  • Pocket Face Mask
  • Stethoscope
  • Oral Airway
  • Blood Pressure Cuff
  • Tongue Depressor
  • 4X4 Dry Gauze Sponges (100-200)
  • Herbal Remedies
  • Eye Flush Bottles (2-5, 12oz)
  • Mineral Oil Bottle (8oz)
  • Rubbing Alcohol Bottle (71%)
  • Liquid Antacid and Water (1:1 ratio)
  • Bandanas soaked in Vinegar
  • Splint
  • Contact Lens Container
  • Red Marker
  • Hemostats


Medics Standard First Aid Kit

The portable first aid kit could mean the difference between a minor injury and a desperate situation spiraling out of control.Those items with a star are not necessary for a good first aid kit. Only bring Items you can safely and effectively use.

Items marked with a star (*) are optional.
  • Emergency Telephone Numbers list*
  • Sterile guze pads
  • Adhesive tape
  • Triangular bandages
  • Adhesive bandages*
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers*
  • Safety pins
  • Ice pack
  • Latex gloves
  • Flashlight*
  • Antiseptic
  • Pencil and Pad*
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Syrup or ipecac*
  • Eye Patches*
  • Thermometer*
  • First Aid Manual


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