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Donate Funds to MSM

Montreal Street Medics need every penny they can find in order to properly and adequtely treat victims during protests and prepare protesters for an action. All of these things require money. We would love to train all our medics at standardised first-aid courses and rent ambulances for every protest, but this is unrealistic. The funds that we receive help pay for: training spaces and supplies, first aid kits, medical supplies, transport to and from distant protests, emergency transport during a protest, and the list goes on. Any amount, no matter how small, would invariably help the victims we are sworn to treat.

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Donate Medical Supplies

Supplies are one of the most fundamental areas in which MSM is severly lacking. Without proper first aid equipment, we cannot even begin to treat a person, and still ensure our own safety. From the simplest roll of gauze to the most expensive pocket mask, we require cheap, bulk medical supplies to do our jobs at any protest. Here is a list which is surely not exhaustive, of medical supplies we need, though no donation will be turned down.
  • First Aid Kits
  • Pocket Face Masks
  • Stethoscopes
  • Oral Airways
  • Blood Pressure Cuffs
  • Tongue Depressors
  • 4X4 Dry Gauze Sponges
  • Herbal Remedies
  • Splints
  • Eye Flush Bottles (12oz)
  • Mineral Oil Bottles (8oz)
  • Rubbing Alcohol Bottles (71%)
  • Liquid Antacid and Water (1:1 ratio)
  • Hemostats

"; var transport = "

Help With Transport

Transportation is a fundamental need of any medic team. If someone is beyond our care, and we find ourselves in a situation where either an ambulance refuses to respond (as is most like the case in the upcoming demo at Quebec City, due to the 'danger' involved in responding), or it would take too long for ann ambulance to arrive, we need a vehicle to transport that person to safety. We are planning to rent a van for Quebec City to act as a roaming first aid station, because we anticipate a severe lack of EMS services. Any contact, any special deal, or any vehicle you could help us with could literally be a lifesaver."; var time = "


Our most valuable asset is, of course, the people of the group, the people who donate their time and effort to making sure everyone walks home after a demo without injury. If you would like to join Montreal Street Medics, you can get more information on the Get Involoved! page. If you simply want to donate your time, contact us using the information on the navigation bar. There is always room for extra help. It's our community that makes us strong.";
Support Montreal Street Medics

Good Idea! As we are a grassroots organisation, we are hard-pressed to find medical supplies, funds for trainings, equipment and transport. Of course, one of the best ways to support us in to support our cause, by getting involved, because our real power comes not from money, or supplies, but from the people we mobilise.

Support these brave people!

tear gas image

How? The table to the bottom left contains a number of ideas which might inspire you to support MSM, whether financially or otherwise. Any supplies or money can be sent to the address below, beside the list of ways to support Montreal Street Medics.

Ways to Support MSM
(click an item for more information)
QPIRG -- Medical
2130 Mackay
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2J1

Comments or Suggestions?

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