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NMCG - Corporate Training Sample Programs

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING GROUP offers a range of corporate training programs for small and large organizations. Specializing in personal growth and transformation, our trainings include: Vision Quests, Re-humanizining in a Hi-Tech World, Stress, Time, and Goal Management, Achievement and Success, Image Consulting, Work-Life Balance, Communication and Presentation Skills, Spirituality in the Workplace, Spa Excursions, Corporate Feng Shui, and much more... Based in San Diego, CA, please call 415 339 8131

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-- a leap in evolutionary consciousness!

with Teresa Foxworthy

--Corporate Trainings for the 21st Century!

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NEW MILLENNIUM CORPORATE TRAINING PROGRAMS offer your organization a broad range of Life Coaching, Workshop, Retreat, and Team Building programs to choose from. Whether for individuals or groups, these programs are tailor-made for each participant or organization. Select the one that most fits your objectives OR create a custom-tailored itinerary and have fun! Together, as a series, they form a comprehensive program for peak performance and personal achievement.


Professional organizations benefit from team building events that bring their people together in a relaxed atmosphere to generate a sense of unity and open communication. Groups that take the time to open up the conversation amongst their team members in an informal environment discover benefits to productivity and morale. In a world of increasing global competition, individuals need innovative strategies to stay at their peak performance levels. Nurturing one's internal experience empowers individuals to be better team players and organizational role models.


1. Quantum Living: Personal Transformation
2. Re-Humanizing: Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
3. Spa Concepts: A Day of Pamperingand Reflection
4. Personal Integration: Personal Mythology
5. Vision Quest: Refining Your Life’s Mission
6. Throne Of Power: Personal Time, Stress & Goal Management
7. Concentric Circles: Community Building
8. Yoga, Breath, and Meditation
9. Corporate Feng Shui: Creating Auspicious Environments
10. Dynamic Presentations: Making a Lasting Impression
11. Horses and Leadership
12. Feng Shui Your Heart – Emotional Well-Being
13. Creating an Authentic Professional Image
14. Activating Creativity – Reclaiming the Magical Child
15. Native American Ceremonies: Reclaiming the Sacred

1 QUANTUM LIVING – Personal Transformation
Work-Life Balance; Reclaiming The Sacred; 10 Fold Path, personal growth, goal management, image consulting, community, journaling & dream work, spiritual awakenings, inspiration & motivation, leadership, ritual, tools for self discovery, emotional & intuitive development, inner harmony

2 RE-HUMANIZING – Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
Work-Life Balance; Reclaiming The Sacred; Technology & Culture; feng shui your heart, feng shui your life, fragrant gardens & nature, community, journaling & dream work, inspiration & motivation, ritual, tools for self discovery, aromatherapy, personal integration and fulfillment, emotional & intuitive development, inner harmony, body & self-awareness, voice work, breath & voice work

3 SPA CONCEPTS: A Day of Pampering and Reflection
Massage, meditation, yoga, skin treatments, pedicures, swimming, breathwork, journaling, nature walks, body & self-awareness, salon makeovers, reclaiming the sacred, personal integration, holistic health, aromatherapy, intuitive development, radiance and rejuvenation, rest, quiet time, exercise, group time, alone time

4 PERSONAL INTEGRATION: Personal Mythology
Tools for Self-Discovery; The Power of Love; Radiance & Rejuvenation, mission statements, self-awareness, goal management, time management, maintaining & refining priorities, image consulting, career development, leadership, living in a changing world, thriving in the new millennium, work-life balance, hi-tech literacy, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, intuitive development, voice & breath work, power spots, community and team support

5 VISION QUEST: Defining or Refining Your Team’s Mission
personal inventory, personal mission statement, life review, team assessment, collective mission statement, meditation, yoga and breathwork, group time, throne of power stress, time and goal management, personal mythology, brainstorming, reality testing, strategic planning

6 THRONE OF POWER – Empowerment Training & Stress Management
Tools for Self-Discovery; Radiance & Rejuvenation, mission statements, self-awareness, goal management, time management, maintaining & refining priorities, image consulting, career development, leadership, living in a changing world, work-life balance, hi-tech literacy, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, intuitive development, voice & breath work, power spots, concentric circles

7 CONCENTRIC CIRCLES - Community Building
Tools for Self-Discovery; The Power of Love; Radiance & Rejuvenation, mission statements, self-awareness, goal management, image consulting, leadership, living in a global community, cultivating meaningful relationships, work-life balance, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, intuitive development, power spots, community and team support

8 BODY AWARENESS - Yoga, Breath, and Meditation
Tools for Self-Discovery; The Power of Love; Radiance & Rejuvenation, self-awareness, living in a changing world, thriving in the new millennium, work-life balance, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, intuitive development, voice & breath work, power spots, body awareness, throne of power, reclaiming the spiritual

environmental influences, the flow of auspicious chi, history of feng shui, feng shui today, cures for success, power spots, balancing elements, creating auspicious environments, eliminating clutter, feng shui life coaching, toolkits, sensory influences, transcendental cures, individual and collective strategies, feng shui the CEO, three types of luck, feng shui walks, strategies for success, recognition, wealth, creativity, love, health, wisdom & family

10 DYNAMIC PRESENTATIONS - Speaking with Presence
image consulting, assessing your audience, know your material, interacting with your listeners, engaging the audience, the 5 “c”s, radiance and rejuvenation, yoga, breathwork, visualization and success, the power of inner dialogue, props and teaching aids, timing and phrasing, the importance of humor, psychology of cognitive learning and memory

Working as a team and as individuals in the presence of horses can teach us a lot about leadership. Developing sensitivity, personal empowerment, understanding "cues", thinking outside the box, recognizing the nature in both animals and humans is quite illuminating.

12 FENG SHUI YOUR HEART – Emotional Well-Being
Tools for Self-Discovery; The Power of Love; Radiance & Rejuvenation, mission statements, self-awareness, leadership, living in a changing world, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, intuitive development, voice & breath work, power spots, community and team support, eliminating emotional clutter, emotional healing and spiritual development

13 FIRST IMPRESSIONS - Creating an Authentic Professional Image
Tools for Self-Discovery; Radiance & Rejuvenation, mission statements, self-awareness, maintaining & refining priorities, image consulting, career development, leadership, living in a changing world, thriving in the new millennium, work-life balance, hi-tech literacy, personal integration, feng shui your world (mind, soul), inspiration & motivation, voice & breath work, power spots, community and team support

14 ACTIVATING CREATIVITY – Reclaiming The Magical Child
art & creativity, learning freedom, refreshing, deepening insights, identifying your creative path, fine, expressive, and conceptual arts; tools for self discovery, intuitive development, voice work, emotional release & development, journaling & dream work, play days, personal growth & integration; cultural values & individual needs, personal responsibility, business/hype vs. creativity, feng shui for creative success; nature; inspiration & motivation, leadership, ritual, , body & self-awareness; yoga, breath & meditation, dance as a self-revealing art, dramatic conflicts, learning like leonardo da vinci , sacred sexuality and creativity, throne of power, vision quest, resuscitating the soul

15 NATIVE AMERICAN RETREAT – Reclaiming The Sacred
sweat lodges, passing the talking stick, purifying the soul, totem animals, visit ruins, discussions on the environment and personal development, finding your sacred path symbol and your earth connection, power shields... These retreats are extremely rejuvenating, body, mind, heart and soul. Facilitated by a White Buffalo medicine man.


Discovering & Living Your Purpose in Life
Emotional & Spiritual Development in a Hi-Tech World
Empowering the True Self
The Value of Spiritual Ritual
Concentric Circles: Self, Family & Community
Dynamic Presentations
Art & Personal Growth
Relationship as a Spiritual Practice
Personal Integration, Transformation and Fulfillment
Stress, Time, Goal Management
Creating an Authentic Professional Image
Activating Creativity – Reclaiming the Magical Child

Quantum Living: Personal Transformation
Re-Humanizing: Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
Spa Concepts: A Day of Pamperingand Reflection
Personal Integration: Personal Mythology
Vision Quest: Refining Your Life’s Mission
Throne Of Power: Personal Management
Concentric Circles: Community Building
Yoga, Breath, and Meditation
Corporate Feng Shui
Dynamic Presentations
The Goddess/Warrior Paradigm at Work
Feng Shui Your Heart – Emotional Well-Being
Creating an Authentic Professional Image
Activating Creativity – Reclaiming the Magical Child
Feng Shui Walks, Talks & Picnics
Developing a Personal Mythology
Body Awareness & Spiritual Development
Journaling & Dream Work
Meditation Made Easy
Reclaiming the Sacred: Importance of a Spiritual Path
Ten-Fold Path to Fulfillment
Community Action to Save Your Soul

Leadership & Communication Skills
Inspiration & Motivation
Setting Limits to Get More Involved
Teamwork Makes You Feel Good
Feng Shui for the Office
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Right Livelihood & the New Millennium
A Day at the Spa
Activating Creativity – Reclaiming the Magical Child
Throne of Power and Tools of Self-Discovery

Power Spots on the Planet
Fragrant Gardens of the World
International Ethnic Music & Dance
Pampering the Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
Sources of Fragrance
Native American Retreats
Four Elements, Four Seasons: Soul Integration Time to Heal
Radiance & Rejuvenation


Choosing the best program for your training needs often results from an informal consultation to discuss the details of your company. Design a program for your particular interests. The excitement mounts as your team sees results multiply!

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING GROUP offers a range of services for organizations. Besides being a dynamic keynote speaker, Teresa Foxworthy leads groups in a variety of in-depth topics. Let's set up a time to discuss the kind of program that will best fit your organization's needs. We can tailor-make something perfect for you! Half-day and full-day rates are both available.


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