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NMCG - Executive Coaching

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING, INT'L. offers groups and individuals a range of personal growth services: Transformational Life Coaching and Workshops in the areas of Personal Growth and Achievement. Includes Goal Management, Image Consulting and Communication Skills, Dating & Relationships as well as Feng Shui. Based in Marin County, CA, please call 415 339 8131 for your free consultation.

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NEW MILLENNIUM SUCCESS COACHING offers you a broad range of Executive Coaching programs to choose from. These programs are tailor-made for each individual. Select the one that most fits your objectives and have fun. Together, they form a comprehensive program for peak performance and personal achievement.

Executive Coaching for Professional Success is a courageous and intelligent approach to a fulfilling career. The effort we invest in our lives reaps tremendous rewards everyday that we live. Achieving goals, balancing professional and personal lives, cultivating meaning, understanding our purpose and transforming our lives for the better are all steps toward personal fulfillment.

Having a coach means getting the support to see past our blind spots and mobilize our full potential. Strategic planning, troubleshooting, and integrating the many facets of our lives is effectively and elegantly accomplished with the services of a Executive Coach.

Bringing together the skills that ensure one's competitive edge for the purpose of personal empowerment and ultimate fulfillment is a new type of conventional wisdom. We can have it all and not be satisfied. What people search the whole world for is often right in their own hearts.

Just like a professional athlete trains with a coach to be their best, executives wanting to get the most out of their careers and lives can do the same. Enrolling in a coaching program means you assess where you are and where you want to be, planning, taking strategic actions and then re-evaluating the game plan are the steps to personal fulfillment.

Begin your coaching with an introductory session. Next, you'll design a program tailored to your needs and objectivers. Then, you'll set up your coaching schedule and begin getting your action plan implemented. The excitement mounts as your results multiply!

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