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NMCG - RIDE the TIGER Coaching Program

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING, INT'L. offers groups and individuals a range of personal growth services: Transformational Life Coaching and Workshops in the areas of Personal Growth and Achievement. Includes Goal Management, Image Consulting and Communication Skills, Dating & Relationships as well as Feng Shui. Based in Marin County, CA, please call 415 339 8131 for your free consultation.

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Congratulations, you've excelled to the point where you, grasshopper, may now learn to "ride the tiger". This means that your mission is clear, serenity is your friend, your being is fully integrated and you are ready to take on the next level in your personal development. NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING offers the RIDE the TIGER coaching program for those spiritual warriors whom are ready to transform all shadows into fuel for their flight mission...

"RIDE the TIGER " is a program that focuses on transforming personal patterns that challenge increased responsibilities and greater success. To "ride the tiger", we must be prepared to feel the core of our distress and stay focused on our complete success as we release the unresolved feelings of the past. Then we may approach mental exercises with agility as we turn adversaries to allies, create the world we know we want without excuses and experience the excellence of a fully developed self.

This coaching program is built on a practical and advanced model of what individuals and groups need to excel in a highly competitive world where we interpolate measurements of success by both our own and collective standards. By using contemporary techniques of emotional breakthrough with progressive methods of advanced warrior training, this program will help you:

* engage your total being in every task you perform

* eliminate all excuses veiling your success

* graduate to new levels of self-awareness and operating capacity

* gain self-mastery in every area of your life and endeavor

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