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TERESA FOXWORTHY, Personal Life Coach
Appearing LIVE this week to introduce her RIDE THE TIGER series at the 2002


APRIL 15, 2002
Contact: 415.339.8131

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The New Age Expo is being held this year and Teresa Foxworthy will be there at BOOTH # 405-A, offering her RIDE THE TIGER Life Coaching services for everyone. Friday, April 25 through Sunday, April 27, at the Concourse Exhibition Center at 8th Street & Brannan in San Francisco, people will attend this long awaited event dedicated to connecting body, mind and spirit. With over 300 exhibits, workshops and lectures by renown authors and healers as well as performances by leading DJs from the spiritual underground music scene, this is an ideal setting for RIDE THE TIGER Life Coaching services with Teresa Foxworthy. Ms. Foxworthy has been active in the human potential movement for over twenty years.

When asked about her, RIDE THE TIGER slogan, Teresa replied, "It's a phrase that invites everyone to face their fears and live the life they want now. Incorporating various tools for self-discovery with techniques for emotional healing, spiritual development, personal growth and goal achievement, she says, makes this system truly unique and effective. Creating the life you want has never been more fun, easy and client-centered. The key is integration resulting from consistent and focused consultations. Both men and women enjoy the individualized nature of these tailored programs." With a roster of topics to choose from, individuals create their own custom menu of strategies to liberate and evolve. The end result promises to be a leap in evolutionary consciousness.

People who come to the show will be eligible for discounted consultations and the special Evolutionary Growth series for their personal journey toward success and fulfillment. You may schedule sessions either before or during the show dates. Half-hour, introductory sessions are $29. A series of 10-one hour sessions, when you sign up at the show is offered at a significant discount. Gift certificates are also available.

The recent spurt of life coaching activities is growing by leaps and bounds. Everyone recognizes the benefits of having individualized attention for their individual issues as they endeavor to create a more meaningful life. Teresa Foxworthy has not only personal experience overcoming substantial obstacles, but has been successful helping others work through their challenges and reclaim their power and pride as they reach for their own self-designed destinies.

Teresa adds, "Everyone in recent months has been re-assessing their lives and values. People are streamlining their lives to reflect what they cherish most. Whether it's time management or other pragmatic skills that need to be developed, or clearing the emotional blocks that keep one stagnant, a personal coach makes a significant difference just by breaking the isolation most people endure, as well as holding a sacred space to honor the soul's true longing."

Teresa is available by appointment only by calling 415.339.8131


New Millennium Consulting
Dakini Love, Int'l.
Keynote Speaker
The Dating Coach
Feng Shui Elegance
RIDE THE TIGER Life Coaching
