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The question is often asked...."why should I join a music organization?   What can they do for me?  Obviously, an organization cannot make you popular or wealthy.   Neither will it necessarily bring you closer to God.  But here are five really good reasons for uniting with CGMA.


 A Christian music organization represents a body of members who minister with a  particular style of music.   It is our goal to give Country Gospel music the appreciation and acceptance it deserves before the world at large.  We work with radio, television, magazines, churches, theaters, fairs, festivals, etc. iMembershipn order to represent our members.  As a n artist you represent yourself, CGMA represents all of you.  When finances are provided for additional staff members, we will greatly advance this work.


We can't keep everybody busy, but we continually work on opening up new venues and provide leads as feasible.   We travel expansively holding exposes, jamborees, festivals and conventions.  This brings us into fellowship with prominent people who can assist us in creating new opportunities for our members.

We position ourselves with our members in every problem they might face relative to their music ministry.  We also offer printed matter regarding their needs and teach publicly on areas of their concern.   We want them to succeed and be effective.


You could conceivably function in your ministry circuit and never be known beyond your region.  By uniting with CGMA you will be associating with your peers from around the world.  Your fellowship with our musical family will assist you in being more renown.  Awards are also presented at each convention.  If you should receive an award, it will greatly expand your recognition.


Your fellowship with other members makes it all worth the effort and financial investment.   Each member represents an opportunity for intercommunication which could result in lifetime friendships, a wealth of ideas, and new venues.  Many of our members are also willing to share their contacts.  Don't overlook the value of these Eternal Friends.