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--- Lodgings and Accommodation ---

Favourite Places to Stay

FRANCE - Drôme

Le Poët-Laval

On the road from Montélimar to Dieulefit, if you go up to the «Vieux Village », i.e. the old village, of Poët-Laval, you will find Les Hospitaliers. The hotel has an excellent restaurant (not particularly cheap, but there are menus as well as «la carte »). In fine weather you can eat out on the terrace.

There are agreeable views up the valley of the Jabron, and the hotel's facilities include an open-air swimming pool. There is an art gallery/cultural centre/Museum of Protestantism in the Vieux Village.

Tel: +(33) 4 75 46 22 32; Fax: +(33) 4 75 46 49 99

GERMANY - Bavaria


Location, location, location!

If you want to stay bang in the middle of Munich, maybe you should consider the Hotel Schlicker, a few paces away from the Marienplatz .

The hotel only does breakfast, but there are plenty of places to eat in Munich. By the way, the English-language menus are often pale reflections of German-language ones, so take a phrasebook or dictionary if you don't speak German. Try the Munich Tourist Office for low-cost accommodation packages such as the Munich Key.

Tel: +(49) 89-22-79-41; Fax: +(49) 89-29-60-59

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