Great Spirit has given us a very great gift in the animal kingdom. Each animal has been charged with bringing us a specific type of knowledge, a specifc type of healing. Each time an animal enters our life, it has something to tell us. It is there to be our allie - sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a lifetime.
Animal medicine is the energy that helps us improve our connection with the Universe and All Of Our Relations. Through listening to and walking with the animals, we find own balanced path in this life. In short - we learn to accept ourselves and heal.
When an animal comes into our life, whether of it's own volition or by our calling it to us, we are able to use the strength of that animal's essence. If we act in a humble way, and are open to the messages and lessons that come to us, we allow ourselves to heal. They are part of our pathway to power. Be grateful for their assistance and show gratitude and respect.
The Sacred Circle of Life speaks of the inter-connectedness of all things. Through our connections with All Of Our Relations, we experience the sacred, joyful spark that lies within each of us. As we allow that spark to shine forth, we illuminate our paths on this physical plane.
The message/medicine that each animal carries is individual to that animal. Great Spirit has gifted Coyote with the Medicine of the Trickster. Coyote is a strange one - he can be fooled by his own tricks. He can also forget the lessons that he has learned, necessitating learning them all over again.
Coyote medicine shatters the illusions of our world. Look beneath your experiences to see if you are fooling yourself - or someone else. Consciously or unconsciously. When Coyote comes into your life - everything backfires. Learn to live through humor - laugh at yourself, see the light side of things.
"I am Coyote. I am the both sides of every issue - light and dark, seriousness and humor, work and play. I can teach you to walk in balance - or I may choose to topple you over into the mud. I can bring the breath of fire to warm you on a cold night - I can also bring the coldness of death. I am disorder amongst supposed order.
The lesson I bring is a lesson about yourself. I will teach you to laugh at your mistakes so that you do not choose to live in the pain that they may bring. I bring you the balance of wisdom and foolishness."