We see a scene begin to unfold in the middle of the flames. The voices are soft but compelling. Men, women and children sweep through the countryside, in ever changing scenes. Here we connect with different parts of ourselves - our intuitive selves, our emotional selves, our physical selves, our spiritual selves ... and the shadow self that we try to keep hidden and even deny - this is the room of Tarot.
Our attention is drawn away from the fire to the scene outside the window - rapid changes are happening - flat land turns into mountains, barren desert becomes an ocean ... ever present the voices of the inhabitants. The voices of the earth, the sky, the water and the air. The voices of the trees and stones, of the animals that grace the land, water and air - the voices of All Of Our Relations. This doorway leads to the voice of Shamanism.
Turn just slightly to your left - yes, there you go. Hear the soft music, and feel a sense of love and protection around you. This room is where we meet our Angels and Guides.
Close your eyes, and feel a soft warmth enveloping you.A wonderful, warm white light surrounds you.You feel all of your cares leaving you, as a sense of perfect health prevails. This is the room of Reiki.
Look at the table to your right - yes, the one with the small stones laid out on it. See the symbols on the stones. What do they say to you? Look into the eyes of the Ancient One sitting behind the table. This is the room of Runes.
You feel tired, and so you lay down on the bed that appears in front of you. As you close your eyes, the sure knowledge comes to you that you will be visiting other times and other places. This is the room of Dreamtime.
There is a voice in your head - a soothing, positive voice. It takes you by the hand - you feel no fear. This is the room of Affirmations and Visualizations. Here you will learn how to overcome the negative voice of self, and take control of your future.
As this scene fades, another comes in. You are in a bright, bright room - every surface is covered with stones of every imaginable color and size. As you reach out to touch them, you feel an immediate connection. Each stone tells you its story, and you immediately know where it should go in your life. These are your allies - this is the room of the Crystal People.
As this scene begins to fade, you start to hear chanting and sacred music. You see flickering candle light, lovely flowers and softly scented incense. This is the room of Ceremony and Ritual.
I thank you for gracing my world this day. Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of My Relations.
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