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Spider Medicine

Spider Medicine

Great Spirit has given us a wonderful gift in the animal kingdom. Each animal has been charged with bringing us a specific type of knowledge, a specifc type of healing. Each time an animal enters our life, it has something to tell us. It is there to be our allie - sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a lifetime.

Animal medicine is the energy that helps us improve our connection with the Universe and All Of Our Relations. Through listening to and walking with the animals, we find own balanced path in this life. In short - we learn to accept ourselves and heal.

When an animal comes into our life, whether of it's own volition or by our calling it to us, we are able to use the strength of that animal's essence. If we act in a humble way, and are open to the messages and lessons that come to us, we allow ourselves to heal. They are part of our pathway to power. Be grateful for their assistance and show gratitude and respect.

The Sacred Circle of Life speaks of the inter-connectedness of all things. Through our connections with All Of Our Relations, we experience the sacred, joyful spark that lies within each of us. As we allow that spark to shine forth, we illuminate our paths on this physical plane.

The message/medicine that each animal carries is individual to that animal. Great Spirit has gifted Spider with the ability to create. As the Spider weaves her web, knowledge is brought to us.

The ability to share creative thought comes from Spider -through the auspices of the gift of alphabet and symbols. Look deep into Spider's web, and you will see her vision of what the physical world is to be. As we tune our vibrations to those of the Spider, we begin to manifest her dreams on the plane.

The eight legs of the Spider represent the four directions of the medicine wheel (east, south, north and west) and the four winds of change. Those caught in the web of the Spider become lost in the illusion of the physical world - they never see beyond it.

This web of fate is like the wheel of change - except that there are no alternatives, no solutions offered. If we allow it - our self imposed fears and limitations will consume us.

Spider energy is female energy. If she has come unbidden into your life, you are being warned to connect with your creative nature - that you are close to becoming caught up in the life around you.

Spiders message is to see the infinite patterns that you can weave with your life. If you are consciously looking to bring in change - to weave a new pattern - bring Spider into dreamtime and share her medicine.

Bonnie Cehovet
(c)April 2001

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