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The Golden Cauldren

The Golden Cauldron

author: Nicki Scully
illustrated by: Angela Werneke
Bear & Company Inc
ISBN 0-939680-78-5

The Golden Cauldren takes us on a personal journey with Mother Earth using the teachings of many cultures through sacred totems, oracles and animal medicine. The major benefit of this book is also the major drawback for me - Nicki Scully brings together many cultures and their traditions - which for me can be a problem. Studied separately - they are equal. Studied together - I find that the environment of learning becomes a bit muddied. I especially recoiled at seeing the sacred White Buffalo in the same graphic with Thoth - the Egyptian God of wisdom, healing and communication. Yes - they represent the same ideals, but do they really belong together?

The basis for this book is the *golden cauldren*, which is the symbol of the cosmic womb - the source of all life and wisdom. (The cauldren is given the properties of gold - its purity and association with the Sun, the giver of life.) This book is essentially a compendium of journey's with different entities - journey's that are enlightening and empowering.

For one who wishes to journey - this is excellent source material. There is a grounding/centering ritual given that must be done before undertaking any journey - to protect oneself and to show respect for the journey and the entity visited. The God Thoth takes us into each journey and brings us out. A great point is made that upon returning from a journey, one needs to be absolutely sure that the return is complete. If you choose to use this book for journeying, and are a bit put off by the Egyptian symbols - my suggestion would be to replace Thoth with a request that one's higher self accompany one on the journey.

The book is divided into sections - foundation journeys, journeys for awakening, journey's for transformation, journey's for healing, journey's for exploration and journey's for celebration and honoring. Each of these have a place in our lives, each of these are steps in honoring ourselves and creating our own sacred space.

At the end, the author gifts us with a wonderful garden - a garden that we can choose to visit at any time. This is that place of peace within yourself - where we can talk to All Of Our Relations - give thanks, share stories recuperate and regenerate. Our own personal "Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

Here are the journey's that the author has gifted us with - ones that you may choose to take yourself:

Vulture/Crone: intuitive wisdom
Tree: grounding
Rose: perfection of self/opening of heart
Eagle: making choices
Elephant: manifesting goals/problem solving
Poison Oak: protection
Hippopotamus: rebirth
Cobra: awakening of energy
Stag: initiation into ley lines
Whale: sonic initiation
Swan: inner mate
Cat: love of self
Salmon: energy/fertility
Butterfly: transformation/self esteem
Owl: alchemy/night vision
Persian Leopard: grief
Snow Leopard: fear
Crocodile: getting what you want
Walrus: relationship with money
Kangaroo: balancing evil
Honeybee: giving back to the earth
Bear: dreaming/crystals/herbs
Crystals: meditation
Gold: energy
Deer: sensitivity
Kuan Yin: healing/compassion
Golden Eagle: family relationships/co-dependency
Frog: cleansing
Hawk: illumination
Lioness: elemental kingdoms
Cedar Tree: Akasha
Dolphin: communications/Altantis
Coyote: Shadow Self
Blue Jay: masks
Jackal: the underworld
Turtle: service/giving
Beaver: responsibility/industriousness
Raven: reclaiming childhood
Field Mouse: humility
Peacock: magic/graciousness/generosity
White Buffalo: reverence/ancestors
The Garden: gratitude/looking beyond

(c) Bonnie Cehovet
July 2001

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Graphics by Sam Silverhawk