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Stone Medicine People

Stone People Medicine
A Native American Oracle
by Manny Twofeathers

New World Library
ISBN 1-57731-137-X

I have worked with oracles of many kinds for most of my life, and found this set to be quite intriguing. The author, Manny Twofeathers, was born in Arizona of Aztec origin. However, he presents this work as coming from his personal beliefs, from knowledge that he received from his own experiences, from speaking with elders and from spirits that brought him help and wisdom when he needed it. It does not reflect the beliefs of any one tribe or family.

The presentation of this book/deck set is very well done. The book and deck (10 5X7 cards) are contained within a box that opens from the top like a cigar box. The colors used are earth colors - bronze, black, red and green. The cover of the book is replicated on the cover of the box for continuity - and it works! The only problem that I have with this set, and it is a relatively small one, is that the cards are of medium quality stock, and not laminated. Over an extended period of time, they could become dirty from use and bent from shuffling. (My feeling on this is that I am going to have mine laminated.)

This is not a book or deck that you will want to put down. As you follow the trail of how this knowledge came to Twofeathers, you will be taken into a world of caring and respect for mother earth and all of the peoples that inhabit her. The stories of the spirits of stones that he has encountered are interwoven with information about the animal spirits depicted on them. In combination, they are used to bring great wisdom into our lives.

The stones are a way of carrying the animal spirit knowledge in this oracle. In this set the cards replace the stone - however, there is information at the back of the book for purchasing sets of stones that carry the animal images. Presented here are Spider, Turtle, Snake, Eagle, Bear, Buffalo, Wolf, Otter and two humanlike spirits - that of Kokopelli and Man-In-The-Maze.

Each spirit image is interpreted for the four directions (East, South, West and North) and for our spiritual center, which Twofeathers terms "within". With these simple ten cards, many interpretations are possible. Each card gives us information for that part of ourselves represented by each direction.

Twofeathers does an excellent job of presenting the "how to" of reading with these cards. No other experience or knowledge is necessary that that which he gifts the reader with. He opens the readings right from the beginning by suggesting ways in which the cards may be used, amongst which are: using the cards for self help (obtaining insight into an existing situation), aligning oneself with the proper animal energy to get through difficult times (drawing on a specific animals energy), asking a specific question or drawing a card a day as to what the general tone for your day will be.

The overall tone is one of respect - for oneself, for mother earth, for the stone cards and for the animal spirits that they carry. Twofeathers speaks of inner preparation, and of allowing oneself to be patient and wait for the answers to come.

He presents two spreads for the reader to use, while also encouraging the reader to manifest their own spreads using what works for them as individuals. The first spread that he presents is very similar to the elemental spread in Tarot - using the four directions and placing "within" in the middle. The second spread that he offers is a permutation of the first - using the four mixed directions: Southeast, Southwest, Northeast and Northwest.

The is the reading that I did using the Stone People cards. I focused on what I needed to know at this time as my question. The cards drawn were: East/Turtle Medicine, South/Bear Medicine, West/Kokopelli Medicine, North/Otter Medicine, Within/Snake Medicine. The interpretations are from the book.

East/Turtle Medicine: "Perhaps the results of well-laid plans that you are waiting for will be slow in coming. But your patience will be rewarded, and you'll realize that everything comes in its own good time. Don't give up on your desires. Stay focused, and head straight for what you want in life."

South/Bear Medicine: "You may be trying to overcome the loss of someone or something that is very dear to you. You will be given the time to reflect, let go and move on. Try to find a way to rest, play and laugh, and the loss you feel will lessen with time."

West/Kokopelli Medicine: "A social activity could present itself to you. You may have been keeping too much to yourself lately. If any social events are offered to you, don't miss the opportunity to be around people. A new relationship or friendship may result."

North/Otter Medicine: "Regardless of hard times, you have the ability to carry on and keep your spirits up. You are kind and nurturing to others who need someone to talk to. Be a pillar of strength for them in their time of need, but be careful not to accept their problems as your own. Let go of your fears - they are unfounded."

Within/Snake Medicine: "You can easily slip into different levels of awareness at this time. It's a good time to explore the worlds of meditation and concentration. Be sure to get the nutrition that you need to stay healthy. You need to keep from wearing your "heart on your sleeve," since people will use that against you."

I found the reading to apply to my life on some very deep levels. Stone People Medicine is an oracle that can be used by anyone, anywhere, with proper respect and focus. I recommend this book/card set highly.

(c) Bonnie Cehovet
August 2001

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