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Dreaming The Council Ways

Dreaming The Council Ways:True Native Teachings From The Red Lodge
by Ohky Simine Forest

Samuel Weiser, Inc.
ISBN 1-57863-132-7

Ohky Simine Forest is of Mohawk/French ancestry. At a very young age, there came a sign to her people that she was to follow the shaman's path. Her wandering led her to Europe and Asia, then back to Canada, where she was admitted into the Lone Wolf Clan at the traditional Long House of Kahnawake, part of the League Of Peace of the Iroquois Nations. From there she went to Chiapas in southern Mexico, where she met her life partner, began working within the Mayan community and formed the first Medicine Center in that part of the world.

In Dreaming The Council Ways she speaks to us of changes that are coming to us, and of the necessity of reaffirming the matriarchal ways. She speaks through the traditions of the Mohawk and Iroquois Indians, as well as those of the Mongolian and Mayan cultures. We are taken on a journey into the Red Lodge, the Medicine Wheel and the land of dreaming. We are shown the nine underworlds, and the thirteen worlds above us. We are shown the importance of living our lives in the now, and uniting the masculine and feminine forces so that man and woman may live in peace and harmony.

Having worked with the medicine wheel myself, I found this book reaffirming. Each direction on the wheel has its own specific purpose - that is fairly widely understood. What was interesting for me was the author's use of the midpoints as gateways or *doors* into the next direction.

Southeast is the Lodge of Oral Tradition and the Door of Earth, South is the Lodge of Community and the Wall of the Past (fear of death), Southwest is the Lodge of Healing and the Door of Man, West is the Lodge of Motherhood Wall of Illusions (fear of insanity), Northwest is the Lodge of Education and the Door of the Sky, North is the Lodge of Strategies and the Wall of Conditioning (fear of self), Northeast the Lodge of Brotherhoods and the Door of Woman, East the Lodge of Autonomy and the Wall of Beliefs (fear of the unknown). In the center lies the Lodge of the People.

Ohky Simine Forest has been a shamanic practitioner for over fifteen years, working in Mexico and lecturing in the United States and abroad. Her words are words to be read and to be practiced. The Medicine Wheel is a living essence, retaining energy of its own. Perhaps the greatest gift that Ms Forest has given us is a living understanding of this wheel, and of the wonders that can be accomplished by connecting like wheels in many parts of the world, effectively forming a working healing grid that not only performs its own work but acts to activate dormant grids laid down long ago.

For who would be Healers and Light Workers - this book is a must read.

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