The energy of animal medicine is perhaps the highest magick that we can call into our lives. Discovery Path presents this wisdom in a wonderful, useful manner. From their site:
"DISCOVERYPath animal totem images combine our feelings, beliefs and experiences with the teachings and wisdom of others. They are visual meditations with universal messages which provide focus on your path to self-discovery. Everyone's interpretation will be unque."
Discovery Path is an art gallery located in Gibsonia, PA. They merge Native American animal wisdom (primarily referencing Jami Sams (Animal Medicine Cards), Ted Andrews (Animal Speak), Kenneth Meadows (Earth Medicine) and the on line article Shamanism - Working With Animal Spirits) with sensitive artistic interpretation. This is a wonderful site to peruse art posters, but it is also a site that gives very basic information about what each animal represents. This does two very important things - it gives us information on the animal medicine that is coming into our lives on a daily basis as various animals cross our paths, and it allows us to see what specific animal medicine we might want to actively call into our lives, through dreamtime, to help us on our paths.
The information is charted in a very usable format, nicely linked to the respective art that is offered for that animal (as an 8" X 10" print). An interesting bit of information that is included here is what animals are considered to be "totems" for each astrological sign. (note: This may vary within differing tribal belief systems). For example, for Coyote we see:
"Coyote Reawakening, Fun, Childhood Trust in Truth, Ability to Laugh at One’s Own Mistakes, Teaching Balance Between Risk and Safety
Artwork: "Earth Medicine: Coyote" & "Shawnodese" "
Dreamtime is a time of intense learning - a time when we can ask for wisdom, as well as assimilate wisdom that comes to us. The world of teh four legged, fur, fin and feather people has much to tell us. From the site:
All animals have unique characteristics, energies and lessons giving you direction on your life path. Your path consists of the gifts of those with whom you share the Earth combined with your choices and spiritual energies. We all have the support of animal totems or energies. DISCOVERYPath offers you the opportunity to explore the impact and significance of your animal totems."
Discovery Path also offers all twelve animal birth totems in card form. They act as a nice gift for friends and family - and also as focus for meditation on that specific animal medicine.
Not done yet! Discovery Path also offers T-shirts designed as "wearable" animal art. Quite a nice site to visit for anyone interested in animal medicine, or looking for unique gifts. Your time will be well spent here. :)
Thank you for visiting my pages - may you day be Blessed.
Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of My Relations.
Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.
Graphics by Art for the web