Spring comes to us with it's very own ceremonies. We need do nothing but watch and enjoy. As the winter snows melt away, and the rains stop, we begin to see little green shoots poking their heads through the soil. As the weather warms up, and we can get outside to start the weeding and other preparations for planting, we renew our connection with mother earth and become grounded in her sites and smells.
Here in Washington State the daffodils have come and gone (and were very much enjoyed - waves of yellow flowers everywhere!) and the tulips are up and blooming. Two very different flowers, but the results are the same. One feels the need to walk the yard and enjoy the colors, even when not nose to nose with the plants as one is weeding. Spring is putting on a celebration of color that could not bring more joy, or more peace, even if it were a staged event!
The cherry tree outside my living room window has flowered and dropped its small, soft petals. The plum trees followed right behind, and are still in bloom. Looking out the window, I feel very protected by the soft green of the leaves in the trees - trees that stood guard in the winter, barren and proud, now acting as home for numerous birds, bird feeders, bee's, butterflies - and the occasional cat or two!
The first mowing of the year has been done ( do not talk to me about the mole people and their propensity for heaving the dirt up from their runs and making mole hills - I live in the country and could write the definitive book on them!), and I am even more determined to prioritize this year - to continue to do the weeding, but to outsource the mowing to someone who cares!
I am Blessed to live where I do. To be able to look out the window and see green grass, trees, flowers, and the woods at the back of the property. Mother Nature is gracious in sharing in her celebrations of life. As each cycle comes around - spring, summer, fall and winter, I am invited to become an active participant in her games. Joy and Peace abound here.
And so we should each carry the thought of spring into our lives. Our celebration does not need to be a formal one - although it certainly can be. A walk in the park, a visit to the local plant nursery, digging in the soil - these are all ways to pay homage to the greatness around us.
May you each take time in your day to note the celebration of life going on around you. My thanks to you for visiting me on this day. May your day be Blessed.
Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of My Relations.
Bonnie Cehovet