We all feel alone at times. And these times are usually when we need guidance the most - when we need the support of someone who cares, when we need to feel loved. I am reminded of the poem "Footprints In The Sand" (I believe the author is unknown). This is a most wonderful piece of writing - it cannot help but touch us all. The storyline is that of an individual (this could be any of us) who is conversing with God, and looking back at the footprints left in the sand of their lives. When asked why there are two sets of footprints, God replies that he has always walked with this individual. After a moment, the individual replies that that is not so - in times of need, there is only one set of footprints. Gods smiles, and says: "That is when I carried you." The power of the Divine is everywhere - it always walks with us. One of the ways that this manifests in our lives is through the guidance of our personal Angel Spirit Guides.
The Angelic Realm was created to watch over and protect those in physical incarnation. The Angels are comitted to protecting us, and to helping us experience the unconditional nature of love that come from the heart of the Divine. The Angelic Realm is countless in number - and they are always there for us. We only need open our eyes, open our hearts and extend our hands - they will be there for us.
Our Angels help us to learn and to grow - to raise our vibrational natures and grow into all that we can be. To take the lessons of our lifetime and turn them into wisdom. We can request Angelic assistance at any time. And that would be the key - to ask. The Angelic Realm does not have free will - they cannot take an action on their own - we must request assistance.
We can find the messages that our Angelic Guides are trying to comunicate in many forms. You may be lead to read a certain book, listen to certain music, or attend a certain class. You may be lead to take a time out, to find a quiet place to spend time with your thoughts. You may be lead to create on your own - a book, a song, a story, a dance ... however you best express your thoughts and feelings. These are all ways in which the Angelic Realm brings the knowledge that we need to us. The knowledge is to be shared - it is not for us alone. When we place this knowledge to work in our lives, we do two things: we help to spread the knowledge to others in need, and we turn the knowledge into wisdom that becomles part of our vibrational selves.
We all have Guardian Angels - Angels that are with us for a lifetime. They are a higher reflection of what our basic energy body/family/self is. The contract that was formed between you and your Guardian Angel before you came into this lifetime was that they were to assist you with the lessons that you wished to learn on the physical plane.
Through our Guardian Angels we hold the intent of the purpose that we have chosen for a particular lifetime. We hold our focus steadfastly to what we are here to experience. And we hold true to our basic natures - that of being a reflection nature of the Divine, that we are at heart unconditional love.
Thank you for visitingmy Angels and Guides room. May your day be Blessed.
Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of Our Relatiolns
Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.
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