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Divine World Site Review

Divine World - Site Review

Divine World is a site that I ran across when I was researching a Tarot article. It is a very well put together divination site, using the oracles of Runes and Tarot. For the purposes of this review, we will stick to the Rune portion of the site.

This is a "member" site - a site in which some things are free, but most are presented for a fee. They advertise that you can "Discover Your Destiny and Fulfill Your Dreams" through the resources on this site. I have no problem with that - this is what an oracle does - it acts as a channel to bring information of a higher order through to us so that we can get a better handle on living this life, and so that we can progress spiritually. The reason that I am shaking my head is that on this site you can do this discovering for either $5.95 a day or $9.95 a month. Some choice, eh!

Actually, the services presented here are of a high order, so the $9.95 would be well worth it. What your money buys you is:

  • Tarot and Rune Readings
  • The ability to print your readings.
  • The ability to save your readings.
  • The ability to delete your readings.
  • The ability to personalize your member page with either a Tarot or a Rune background from set templates.
  • The use of an animated Guide named Merlin - with the availability of synthesized voice speech or text in a cartoon word bubble.
  • You can also purchase personalized readings (either Runes or Tarot) from a reader named Lilian. I feel that a great deal of thought has gone into the presentation of the readings, so that the visitor is guided into the reading that will best suit them at any given time. Among those available for Runes are:

  • Ask Norns - a yes/no equivelant reading.
  • Cross - Shows where you are in your environment and social relations.
  • Ask Mimir's Head - this is good for "What if?" type questions.
  • Four Quarters - this gives you a more precise answer to complicated questions.
  • The Runic Wheel - a horoscope type reading that is used for very intricate questions.
  • Turning Point - used when you are looking for very straight forward answers.
  • Lifetimes Spread - how our past lifetimes are affecting our current lifetime.
  • Heimdal's Way - A very detailed reading about your current situation, and what lead up to it.

    One of my favorite section was the free electronic greetings. I am always, always looking for new and different e-cards to send - and free is good! I did send a Tarot greeting to a friend, but there are also available greetings that are Astrology based and Nordic greetings.

    Lilian also offers what is termed a "Divine World Destiny Report" that is free, and can be signed up for to be received on a monthly basis, as well as a Divine World newsletter. I signed up - I think this should be interesting. The report can also be accessed on the site - but when I checked the links, they were not available. They were up - but the links did not go through. This site is really so well done that I feel this is an internet snafu, rather than the site not being well maintained.

    For webmasters, there is a free interactive reading link that can be placed on your site. You can choose either Tarot or Runes. I have the Rune link at the end of this article. Oh, yes ... I will be placing the Tarot link on my new Tarot articles. :)

    You can also access the site from your mobile phone. Sounds silly - but there are times when on needs an educated second opinion NOW. I like this option - now I need the mobile phone to go with it. ;-)

    There is an interactive Rune program (demo) that can be downloaded from this site. I did so - with no effort at all. My problem - I can only get past the first couple of pages - then I get a program error. I am not sure if this is a problem with my computer or with the demo. If any of you would like to download the demo, try it out and write a review, I would be more than happy to either place the review with this article, or link to a review on your site.

    There is also a world of information on the Runes, their background and use. Under "Secrets", there is a detailed discussion of the Runes, their history and tradition and of each individual Rune.

    Under "Spreads", care has been taken to explain how to get ones self and one's environment ready to do a Rune reading. This shows respect for one's self and for the Runes. Lilian then goes on to give a detailed explanation of each of the Rune spreads offered on this site, together with a diagram. All this information for free - well worth a visit here for this page alone!

    Under "Nordic Mythology", Lilian presents the Nordic Gods as they relate to the Runes - the Gods of Nordic Mythology, and the Gods of the Nordic Heroic Mythology tales. Nicely done section - a very good read.

    Under "Question", we see how to form our questions, and which spreads relate to which types of questions. A very well written, concise section.

    I highly recommend a visit to this site if you have any interest at all in Runes. It was a pleasure for me to visit here and present it to you.

    Thank you for visiting my Rune pages. May your day be Blessed.

    (c) September 2002
    Bonnie Cehovet

    Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.

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