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Strong Winds Publications Inc. 2005 ISBN #0-9763331-2-0 "Integral Numerology" is one of the best tools for personal empowerment that I have ever seen. Written in a reader friendly manner, numerology comes alive within these pages! Wagner does something very important here - she works from a foundation that sees all of life as revolving around numbers, and she places importance on the patterns that the numbers in our lives reveal. Her dedication tells the story:
who gave me his gift of numbers and patterns
To my mother Wagner's introductory section introduces the primary numbers (1-10, and the Master number 11), their symbols, esoteric meaning, positive and negative characteristics. She lists the universal meanings for these numbers as follows:
1. unity, creation, independence Now the fun starts! Formulas are presented for determining our individual numerological positions and patterns - right there, easy to follow instructions that allow the reader to create their own personal "numbers sheet" so that they have a guide to follow in working with the remainder of this book. I highly recommend taking the few minutes that it takes to do this - it will save you flipping back and working out your numbers at the beginning of each chapter! Life is made up of patterns, and once we understand those patterns, we can take charge of our own destiny. Wagner shows us how to determine our personal life pattern, including our Soul number (experiences from a past lifetime), Karmic number (lessons to be learned in this lifetime), Gift number (the gifts and skills we bring with us from previous lifetimes), Path number (the path of this lifetime), Destiny number (the destiny for this lifetime), and Year number (showing which cycle we are in for the current year). One of the focuses Wagner uses in this book is the association of numbers with planetary positions. In this way, we see the quality of the number itself, as well as the qualities of the planet associated with, and how this combination shows up in our lives. Also addressed are people who are born on the cusps of signs - i.e. within three days of the change in signs. This helps us understand why someone may not strongly exhibit characteristics of their own sign as they are indeed carrying either some characteristics of both signs, or perhaps other patterns entirely. I was very impressed with the section that Wagner presented on the integration of planets and numbers. Going beyond associating the numbers and planets (i.e. the number 1 is associated with the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Capricorn), Wagner presents lessons (for the number 1, the lesson is: "If you take responsibility and work hard, you will be rewarded."), accompanied by short fables (for the number 1, the fable was that of the Hare and the Tortoise), and questions (for the number 1, the questions included: "Where do I regulate?", "Where do I restrict?", and "Where am I humble?"). Soul numbers are presented with a discussion of the number, its lesson, and its challenge. Karmic numbers are presented with a discussion of the number, their lessons and challenges, their associated spiritual archetypes, along with the positive and negative aspects of each karmic number, and the associated body system. The gift numbers are presented with a discussion of the gift, and its negative aspect. The path numbers are discussed in conjunction with the gift numbers, and list the lesson to be learned. The destiny numbers are presented with their challenges, positive and negative aspects. At the end of this section Wagner presents a sample numerology reading, with interpretation. Double numbers (the same number appearing in two different areas), and multiple numbers (numbers appearing in more than twice) are discussed, along with mixes and patterns of numbers. Numbers that indicate an Old Soul (4,9,10,11) are also discussed (this was a new area for me, and quite revealing!). Year numbers discuss the energy of the year, as well as the lesson to be learned. Wagner has more new to me sections that I feel could be of great help to many individuals. These sections include which numbers can indicate an untimely death, how to chart an overlapping karma number with any number of another person, how to chart relationship number that are supportive, and those that are difficult or challenging, soul mates and twin rays, dream numbers, and true self numbers. At the end of the book is a very interesting section on well known people, and their birth patterns. This is an excellent way to validate numerology: look at the numbers, and look at the way the person's life played out. It's all there! Numerology as presented here is a tool for better understanding your past, present, and future, and for integrating these energies into who you are as a person. It is a tool of empowerment, a tool for manifesting a life well lived, and a tool for both personal and spiritual growth.
Bonnie Cehovet
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