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Personal Empowerment

Cards of Destiny -
A Birthday Book and Daily Divination Guide

author: Sharon Jeffers
Crossing Press
2001, 2003, 2006
ISBN #1-58091-176-4

"Cards of Destiny" is a tool of empowerment that offers many gifts - all one has to do is come with an open mind and an open heart. I make my living reading the oracle of Tarot, so for me it is not a great stretch to look at everyday playing cards as gateways to greater personal understanding. The card scans used in this book are anything but ordinary - they are scans of eighteenth-century card decks done by Adolofo Matarelli and Baron Louis Atthalin containing stunning, absolutely captivating artwork. My personal thanks go to Cavallini and Co. for allowing the scans to be used.

I am so very happy to see that Jeffers comes to the field of divination with humbleness and respect. Because of that, she sees very deeply into what the ancients wish us to experience, and can safely take her readers there. This is a book of heart, and a book of soul. It reflects great amounts of time spent studying, and an innate sense of where that study was to lead. Astrology and numerology play their parts in this work, along with a deep seated sense of self. What is offered here is astounding in its magnitude.

In her introduction, Jeffers references the influences on her path, including the work of nineteenth-century mathematician and metaphysician Olny Richmond, and twentieth-century authors Edith Randall and Florence Campbell, who continued the lineage of Olny Richmond. Jeffers also postulates that ordinary playing cards may have been first used as a calendar, or a solar book of time. Each day of the year is associated with a specific playing card, some of the cards being associated with more than one day.

This book is organized into two sections: The Cards, and a Daily Divination Guide. The Cards contains birth card descriptions for each of the fifty-three cards (including the Joker). The Daily Divination Guide gives practical information for each day of the year.

Jeffers presents a chart with the months of the year across the top, and the days of the month running down the side. Matching your birth month and birth day will give you your birth card. Jeffers defines a birth card as being the soul's expression, and as representing who that person will be their entire life. It embodies our individual characteristics and energy. It shows how we relate to ourselves, to each other, and to the world around us. Our birth card, simply put, carries our destiny with it.

Each card has a positive (aware) side, and a negative (unconscious) side. Each card has multiple layers of expression: the spiritual aspect relates to our personal values; the mundane aspect relates to how we choose to express ourselves in the physical and mental realms of life (our work, and how we express ourselves creatively). As an oracle, the cards give us guidance for making choices, and reveal the path for self-mastery.

Note: There is an issue with people who are born on or near midnight - as they may carry the energy of the day before, or the day after. Jeffers advice is to read the information for the card on your day of birth, and if that does not seem to fit, read the day before, or the day after.

Jeffers also lists what she calls a "Spirit Card" at the bottom of the page for each of the playing cards. The Spirit Card represents the hidden parts of ourselves - the parts that ther people do not always see. It is an aspect of the inner self that is waiting to be expressed. It guides us and acts to lead the way in our movement through time. For some of us, it will have more of an influence than our Birth Card. There are three cards in the deck that Jeffers refers to as having "fixed" influences: the King of Spades, the Jack of Hearts and the Eight of Clubs. They do not have Spirit Cards, because their influences are fixed, and very strong in their expression.

Using what Jeffers refers to as the Solar Values Chart, it is possible to determine your personal card for the day, which will show both the opportunities and the challenges that will need to be faced on any given day.

When it comes to relationships, family, friends and partners always show up in each others life paths, where compatability is clearly defined. Each relationship shows the fusion of the energies of the two parties involved. Using the Solar Chart will determine the card that represents each relationship.

Jeffers defines the four suits, their association with the four seasons, and the four elements. She defines the sequence of the cards as our journey through life, much the same as the Tarot defines the walk through the Tarot cards. Also defined are the meanings for the numbers (Aces through Tens), and the qualities carried by the court cards (Jack, Queen and King). With this background it is much easier to understand the presentation of the cards.

Each of the four suits has a quote leading into it. I was very impressed by the quote for the suit of Spades, which is attributed to Albert Einstein: "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." Think about it - this would be the true definition of chaos!

Each card is presented with a scan on the left hand page, with the birth dates and Spirit Card associated with it printed at the bottom. On the right hand page is general information about the card, about relationship for those who carry that birth card, and for children born under that birth card.

I chose to present my own birth card, the Two of Hearts, beause I would have some sense of how applicable it might be, given that I have lived over half of my life already. The keywords for the Two of Hearts is Love and Partnership. Jeffers starts out by saying that the Two of Hearts represents love partnerships, romance, and love affairs. So much for that! However, this birth card also carries the wisdom of how to make money and how to run a business. Bingo! This is very close to home, and very true. It indicates that I am sensitive to my surroundings, and to how others see me, which is also true. Also reflected int his card is a strong desire to learn, which really is the foundation of my life.

Under the section on relationships, it shows that I can tend to see relationships as something other than what they really are. I am also told that my determination and steadfastness will carry me through life's experiences, and that I will ultimately be successful.

Under the section on childhood one thing popped out at me - that there would be a loss in childhood, and that I would need the emotional support of those around me. This is very true - I lost my father to cancer just before I turned thirteen.

Judging from my own card, I would say that this system in general, and this book in particular, are very, very accurate. The Spirit Card listed for the Two of Hearts is the Ace of Clubs. This is the card that carries the energy that I need to express, the energy that will further my path. The keywords for the Ace of Clubs are The Desire to Know. For me, this is very true. I need to communicate to others the information that I gain from my studies. I am blessed, in that I understand that for me this will come through writing, and not through direct teaching.

The Daily Divination Guide is listed by month, with a section for each day that lists a card, along with advice. At the end of the section for each month is a page for jotting down the birthdays of family and friends. This book could be used for this purpose, although I personally coud never bring myself to write in a book!

Today is the sixteenth of April, 2006. The card for this day is the Five of Diamonds. The text for this day reads: " Partnership and communication are important and favored. It's a good day to set the record straight, if that's needed. It's a good day to network or promote. Money can change hands. Changes in values, travel and play are aspects of this cards expression."

I found this to be and easy book to follow, and that it offered insights into myself, and my choices. It is a wonderful gift for yourself, and a wonderful gift to give to others. You not only gain an understanding of yourself, but with a little patience you can come to a greater understanding of those around you. And ... it is great fun!

© April 2006
Bonnie Cehovet

Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.

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