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Clearing Past-Life Blocks to Present-Day Love, Health and Happiness
Crossing Press 2006 ISBN #1-58091-178-1 Mankind is going through a time when it needs to heal itself, to bring balance to its mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves. Our lives are a series of cycles of birth-death-rebirth. From each lifetime we bring the good and the bad - lessons learned, and lessons not learned - into the next lifetime. What we bring with us - our karma, as it were - determines what we have to deal with in that lifetime. However, we can go back into the past, identify the energy that is challenging us, that is holding us back, come to understand it. and release it. The tool of Past Life regression is one of the foremost tools that we can work with to bring about this "karmic" healing. Djuna Wojton has over twenty years experience in past life therapy. She is a certified hypnotherapist, intuitive counselor, and Reiki Master. To her work she brings the tools of Tarot, Crystals, flower essences, visualization, meditation and affirmations. In "Karmic Healing" Wojton outlines a four step plan for recognizing karmic patterns, which can then be used to heal body, mind, and spirit. Clients that come to Wojton for a private karmic healing session fall into one of four general categories: 1. In Crisis - Having suffered a loss of some kind, perhaps death or divorce, they need spiritual comfort. 2. Blocked - Mired in guilt, confusion, or fear, they either don't know what they want or can't achieve their goals. 3. Struggling - Entrenched in high drama, they are entangled in a difficult relationship. 4. Inquisitive - Eager for growth and development, they want to "know themselves". Their regression experiences fall into one or more of the following five categories: 1. They experience another lifetime as a complete story. 2. They briefly experience a series of visual images accompanied by a flash of spiritual insight and a deep sense of well-being. 3. They experience pain or uncomfortable body sensations that disappear when they return to a normal waking state. These pains are often related to chronic health ailments. Sometimes the ailments clear up after the regression. 4. They release their fear, anger or grief. 5. They feel so peaceful and relaxed that they don't want to come out of trance. When they do return to normal waking consciousness, they feel refreshed and revitalized. Note: From the client experiences that were shared in this book, I would say that crying was a major form of release during or after a regression. Wojton lists the four principles of karmic healing as: 1. Responsibility - Be accountable for your actions. You can't control your circumstances, or the reactions of others, but you can master your responses to life. 2. Recognition - Understand that all of your challenges are opportunities for growth and development. 3. Reason - Accept that people are in your life for a purpose. 4. Forgiveness - Forgive mistakes and transgressions. This will help you release anger and resentment towards yourself and others. She lists the four steps to the karmic healing process as: 1. Retrieve - Pinpoint your karmic issues by asking specific questions. 2. Remember - Recall your past-life data by practicing regression meditation. 3. Reprogram - Use visualizations and affirmations to release negative patterns and imprint positive images into your mind. Let go of blocks and barriers by using meditations, collage, rituals, writing or drawing. 4. Reinforce - Take particular flower essences to reinforce your new attitudes and behaviors. Wojton encourages the creation of a karmic toolbox, which contains the material needed to do the exercises in this book. This would include material for journaling, such as colored markers, quills, pens or pencils. Also included would be scissors, magazines to cut pictures out of, scotch tape, photos, colored paper, bits of material and lace, a tape recorder and blank cassettes, a Rider-Waite tarot deck, a single (terminated) clear quartz crystal, and relaxing music. The five techniques that Wojton lists for karmic healing are: 1. Set an intention - Decide what you want to change. Knowing what you want to change is the first step in having what you want. 2. Relax - Calm your mind and body. This will help you open the doors of communication to your higher self. 3. Be receptive - Use your psychic senses to access the wisdom of your soul. 4. Visualize well-being - Resolve issues by combining visual symbols and affirmations. 5. Treat with flower essences - Take flower essences to help keep you on track and avoid relapsing into old patterns. Exercises, questions to ask ourselves, visualizations, meditations, affirmations and appropriate flower essences are included throughout the book. Client experiences are included to bring the text into the real world of life. It should be noted here that it is the choice of the client whether they want to make use of (act on) the information that they receive from a past life regression. Sometimes they will choose not to - and that is their choice. The client must want to be healed, and to be willing to do the work. I was impressed with the manner in which the information was presented, especially the notation that taping a meditation will make it easier to work with. There are several terms in this book that are particular to Wojton's personal worldview, such as "karmic pop-ups" (irrational emotions and responses that seem to surface out of context), emotional karmic triggers and detectors (emotional reactions to people or places), mental karmic triggers (past life memories related to intellectual interests), and physical karmic detectors (physical stimuli that bring out a karmic pop-up). The information that is presented in this book allows the reader to do a tremendous amount of work on themselves in relation to healing family, business and romantic relationships, clearing karmic clutter, and consciously gifting ourselves with what Wojton terms a spiritual makeover. Anyone, from any background, would be able to put this information to use. The one drawback that I saw to the presentation is that none of the added value tools (affirmations, crystals, visualizations, meditations, flower essences, or Tarot work) were gone into in depth. However, there is a resource list at the end of the book (and resources are listed throughout the book) that will allow the reader to get a good start on researching these added modalities themselves.
Bonnie Cehovet
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