Story Titles A-E


A Kinda Miracle - Sort Of
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None
Spoilers: up to season six Hell’s Bells, taking place sometime after that, no definite settings. Also, references (either direct or not) to season 3 of BtVS, episode Amends.
Summary: Spike and Xander meet at the laundromat. What now?

All Men Are Animals, but Some Make Better Pets
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: set sometime in season six, after Hell's Bells, but before Seeing Red. Spike never tried to rape Buffy or to come back together with her and Xander's not with Anya anymore, but isn't still mopping around.
Summary: Xander wakes up the morning after, but Spike is no where in sight.

All Wired Up
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: nc-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: just plotless smut.

Arson: And Other Fun Things To Do While Dead
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: gore and m/m sex
Spoilers: season 4
Summary: follows "the end" and "the beginning"...that nasty chip is gone and xander is spike's childe...well, read all about it...


Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: gore and m/m sex
Spoilers: season 4
Summary: follows "the end"...that nasty chip is gone and xander is...well, read all about it...

Author: Soft Princess
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None
Spoilers: Takes place in season 6. AU right after Entropy. Tara and Willow are back together, Spike/Anya happened, but Tara isn't dead and Warren hasn't gone over the edge.
Summary: Why is Xander blindfolded?

Body Heat - Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: "Tomorrow" for AtS and "Grave" for BtVS
Summary: Xander and Spike find Angel.

Author: Mistress Kages
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Spike in chains *purrr*
Spoilers: None
Summary: PWP, 100 word drabble challange from the SpikeSlashaholics Group.

Author: Dove
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: Fluffy goodness
Spoilers: Ummm...sometime into Season 4
Summary: Xander and Spike having breakfast

Broken - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Will contain graphic violence and rape.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Spike learns something about Xander, and things change. (That summary sucks, doesn't it? Oh, well!)

~~Broken for Love
Author: Acid Rain
Rating: PA (15)
Warning: None Spoilers: Major ones for Out Of My Mind obviously and some general season five.
Series: The Way it Should Have Happened Series 2
Summary: The events of "Out of My Mind" the way they SHOULD have happened

Burning Moonlight
Author: Trixx
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Songfic


Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Xander finds out when Spike's birthday is, and decides to celebrate it.

Camping Days
Author: Bonster
Rating: PG-13
Warning: this is campy *snicker*
Spoilers: None
Summary: This is completely and utterly AU. A look at the experiences of several counselors at Camp Somnium Fjord.

Camping Days: Interlude: Rooftop Romp
Author: Bonster
Rating: R
Warning: None
Spoilers: Spike is a vampire. Xander is a human.
Summary: AU. Xander and Spike have been visiting one another off and on for seven months since the events in Camping Days, however, this visit is a bit more eventful. Alternating POV’s.

Camping Days II
Author: Bonster
Rating: PG-13
Warning: in later parts, there shall be character deaths, yes plural
Spoilers: None
Summary: AU. One year later and everyone has returned to spend a part of their summer at Camp Somnium Fjord. This year there are murders in the night, uno tournaments, a moonlit swim, smores, a softball game, and more!

Camp Out
Author: Velvet Crypt
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: AU. 4 years after season 6. Scoobies are 25. Dawn is 21
Summary: Dawn has an idea for a camp out. The boys get wrangled into it.

***Cascade Of Blood
Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Blood. Torture. Icky death scene. The usual. :) (Oh, and an evil Oz. ::giggle::)
Spoilers: None
Series: Sequel to Death Becomes Them #3
Summary: Our vampy duo travels to Cascade, where they encounter an old acquaintance

**Chained to You
Author: Acid Rain
Rating: PGish for now
Warning: None
Spoilers: Season 4 of Buffy, nothing too significant
Series: Tentative Steps Series 1
Summary: None

Chasing the Fears Away
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: R
Warning: None
Spoilers: up to 'Conversation with Dead People'.
Summary: Spike's scared and Xander soothes him.

A Christmas Happy
Author: Laikokae
Rating: PG-13
Warning: This is pure silliness. If you have problems with librairian smoochies you should progress no further. Please *god* do not take any of the following seriously
Spoilers: None
Summary: This was meant to be a response to my own challenge, but the plot doesn't quite fit with the challenge. Yeah, yeah I know, here I am spouting out challenges I can't even keep to. Shame on me. Shame!

Coming Out - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Xander is dragged out of a closet he never knew he was in.

Comforting and Safe
Author: Aerithika
Rating: G - PG
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Pure fluff

Courteous Love, Or Slumber Of the Heroes
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: End of season 6 for BtVS and end of season 3 for AtS
Summary: What if a demon whose greatest wish is to open the Hellmouth, decides to get rid of the scoobies by sending them all into a dream world: Medieval England?


***Death Becomes Them
Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Bloodplay. Also, plenty of gore and violence...suicide, murder, torture. Lots of character death. Practically everyone, actually. Sorry if I happen to kill off someone you like, but...get over it. ::smirk::
Spoilers: None
Series: Sequel to Death Becomes Them #1
Summary: Death comes to everyone...just not always in the way we would have anticipated.

Dream Lover
Author: Nishia
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: PWP Spike has an erotic dream


Author: Guess
Rating: PG-13 or R I guess. Let's go with PG-15
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None whatsoever, oh unless you count the Soul bit at the end, then kind of Season 7.
Summary: Kinda a poem fic. It's a first time kind of deal. I don't know, I'm writing at my friend's house while I'm pissed off at her. Short, you can read it in less than a minute. If you do. 312 words, baby!

The End
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: graphic stuff, violence and endings
Spoilers: season 4
Summary: follows good nurse, the morning after,later that morning,that afternoon and that night.

End of Days
Author: Dove
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Character death, angst, religious themes
Spoilers: Everything up to the Gift. AU after that.
Summary: None

Author: Dhampir
Rating: PG
Warning: Lots and lots of fluff, you could be smothered
Spoilers: none
Summary: Xan’s sleeping as Spike ponders

Author: Bonster
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Xander. Spike. PWP. Begins and ends with happy little moans.

Escape part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Author: Juliatheyounger
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: Up to Entropy in Season 6 of Buffy
Summary: Xander confronts Spike about certain events in Entropy

Escape To Oblivion 1, 2
Author: Loopy_1981
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Drug use, maybe some sex scene, and maybe some bad language
Spoilers: Season 5 finale
Summary: Spikes got a new habit and Xander decides he needs to quit

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