Story Titles K-O


Last Men Standing 1, 2
Author: Kita & Maayan
Rating: NC17
Warning: Angst
Spoilers: BtVS and AtS, the whole shebang
Summary: The notion of comfort and family is pretty damn tricky. Damned if you do...

Last Night of Our Lives
Author: Kayla
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: "Spiral" Or my re-written version of a particular scene, anyway
Summary: None really, just smut.

Later That Morning
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: season 4 spike
Summary: Follows Good Nurse and The Morning After

Author: Dragonmaster
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash, violence, possible misuse of Latin words, possible historical inaccuracies.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Willows spell goes wrong and it blasts the boys back in time to the Roman empire, where they are sold as slaves and trained to be gladiators, fighting for their freedom to get back home.

Living Without
Author: Loopy_1981
Rating: R
Warning: character death
Spoilers: none that I know of. Angel lives in LA
Summary: something happens and Xander is left to deal

Long Time Gone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 - Finished
Author: Yingdagger
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sex, smut, naughtiness, man-love, a little bloodplay, violence, bad language, sarcasm and gratuitous singing in the car. Also, this story is going to be very long; brace yourself.
Spoilers: Through season 7
Summary: Xander's been away for eight years having a normal life. That's all been shot to hell and he's come back to Sunnydale looking for a little help from his friends, and Spike.

Author: Velvet Crypt
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: Season 6 beginning
Summary: Spike takes one for the team. Xander makes it worth it

Author: Juliatheyounger
Rating: NC17 for sexual references, sexual scenes and language
Warning: None
Spoilers: Er...set sometime post series 5, no spoilers
Summary: Spike and Xander discover they have a couple of things in common
Series: We're not gay. We're just friends. Who have sex. 9

Lovers By Definition
Author: Bonster
Rating: R
Warning: None
Spoilers: Up to at least season 5.
Summary: Xander contemplates how the word “lover” fits into his life.

Author: Hallucination
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Xander is exhausted, Spike won't let him sleep, and chaos ensues.


Mafia! A Xander and Spike Love Story 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: answer to Angel Cally's request for a s/x au Mafia story on the xanderslash list. - Angel as a mob boss and spike as hiss heir, xander as heir of a rival gang/organization with whom spike falls in love with. ANGEL CALLY! This is a hard request to fit into a single fic for me and I couldn't help but go for a few laughs. Also, I wasn't sure what xander would be denying..So let me know if you want me to continue it.and even if you *don't* I still want to be kissed senseless! *g*

Maked, Branded and Owned
Author: Loopy_1981
Rating: R
Warning: it prolly sucks, but I'm thinking positive :)
Spoilers: end of season 5, the gift.
Summary: a night club, some dancing, some smutt

The Meaning of Life - parts 1 2
Author: Jhela Skye
Rating: Runs the Gammut, G to NC17
Warning: None
Spoilers: Most recent eps of Angel S3 and Buffy S6.
Summary: Baby fever has hit, everybody duck!!! :P

Author: LadyCat
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BSDM and torture
Spoilers: Grave
Summary: Based loosely on Deana's challenge. I changed it a bit. Xander deals with a recently returned Spike.

More Than Friends.
Author: Juliatheyounger
Rating: NC17 for sexual references, sexual scenes and language
Warning: None
Spoilers: Er...set sometime post series 5, no spoilers
Summary: Spike and Xander discover they have a couple of things in common
Series: We're not gay. We're just friends. Who have sex. 7

The Morning After
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: R
Warning: None
Spoilers: season 4 spike
Summary: Follows Good Nurse. GN not needed to read this but know they had wild good time sex in GN.


Naughty Bunny
Author: Soft Princess
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: No reference to canon whatsoever
Summary: After a hard day at work, Xander gets a prezzie from his honey.

No Place to Go - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
Author: JezT
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Death, destruction, maiming, killing, bloodlet, bloodshed, domination, torture, humiliation, and just plain ickiness that will squick a lot of you.
Spoilers: Anything aired...
Summary: None

Not Anya.
Author: Juliatheyounger
Rating: NC17 for sexual references, sexual scenes and language
Warning: None
Spoilers: Er...set sometime post series 5, no spoilers
Summary: Spike and Xander discover they have a couple of things in common
Series: We're not gay. We're just friends. Who have sex. 6

~~Nothing to Fear
Author: Acid Rain
Rating: PA (15)
Warning: None
Spoilers: Major ones for Shadows and Listening to Fear obviously and some Buffy through all seasons
Series: The Way it Should Have Happened Series 3
Summary: The events of "Shadows/Listening to Fear" the way they SHOULD have happened.


Ok, So It Is Like That. Sort of.
Author: Juliatheyounger
Rating: NC17 for sexual references, sexual scenes and language
Warning: None
Spoilers: Er...set sometime post series 5, no spoilers
Summary: Spike and Xander discover they have a couple of things in common
Series: We're not gay. We're just friends. Who have sex. 2

Old Debts
Author: Laikokae
Rating: R
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's my perspective on the whole demon/human thing, I guess. Kind of rough around the edges.

**On the Run -unfinished
Author: Acid Rain
Rating: PG for this part but not for long
Warning: None
Spoilers: Season 4 of Buffy, nothing too significant
Series: Tentative Steps Series 4
Summary: On the run from one pissed off Slayer.

Only The Crumbliest Flakiest Xander
Author: Nishia
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: PWP Spike, Xander and a chocolate flake, nuff said

Our Willow?
Author: Michelle/Shelly
Rating: NC-17
Warning: comedic violence. graphic sexual situations
Spoilers: season 4
Summary: follows "the beginning" and "arson and other fun things to do while dead" immediately after "turn willow?"...that nasty chip is gone and xander is spike's childe. they've turned willow. and just what kind of vamp will willow be?

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