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On the News Frontier

September 23, 2000

so yeah, totally forgot about updating this section, well... i'm here at mount allison university in new brunswick in my first year of bachelor of fine arts, i'm not majoring in anything yet but next year i hope to be majoring in photography. the rez i'm staying in is crazy, today is homecoming and i'm drunk beyond belife... ehhee... but yeah... ummm.... i'm updating pics and stuff liek that right now... so umm... yeah... i dunno... i'm alos working on my webcam page... when i get that i'll put a link to it somwhere for you all... ehhe... cheers

June 5, 2000

yesterday i got back from a trip to antigonish, it was a blast!!! i finally got to meet some people that i've heard so much about from becky and ginny, whose appartment i must say is awesome!! i took some pics while i was up there... i still have some in the roll left to take so i'm going to get rid of them as soon as possible and gain access to a scanner so i'll be able to put them up. I'm in school right now and the bells about to ring so i'm outta here... stay tuned for more updates... new pics are on the way as i just said, cheers, sean.

May27, 2000

today i added some new pics and a poetry section. if you have any poems that you would like displayed on my page the simply e-mail them to me, i'll take a look at them and decide whether to put them, most likely i will put them up, that's all for now.. peace ya'll.. i'm outta here.

May24, 2000

allright... looks like i got things running smoothely as of right now, i'm sending some pics to a friend who has a scanner so i might have some more pics to add in a week, maybe two, later dudes.

May 23, 2000

well... today i make my very first post here on my page. lately i've been working on getting things working right and so far it seems to be going pretty well i must say although i don't have any pics to put up yet, but you can blame that on the fact that i am without a scanner, i may be using a friends scanner to get some stuff up but i think i better work on some other things first of all. currently i have no background and that's because i have yet to figure out how to make mine work right, i have all these people telling my to do this and that and when i do what they say nothing works out for me, oh well... i'll get something up very soon. yesterday my friend Becky went back home to antigonish after spending the whole weekend up here with me and some of our friends.. ehhee.. it was a blast... if you want to knwo what kind of weekend we had just take a look at her page and you'll see the pictures that were taken... some of them may be incriminating to me seeing how i'm not of legal age yet... but oh well... i only drink at friends houses and i drink responsibly.. sometimes.. ehehhe... as for now i go and do other stuff... i'm kinda hungry so i think i'm going to go eat somethign.. hehe... later dudes, more posts still to come!