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Raidar X • RDF Destroid


Model by Stephen L.


Box Stock

Arii kit A867

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/100
Length = 4.3 cm
Width = 8.6 cm
Height = 11.1 cm

Raidar X is a non-transforming anti-aircraft mecha used by the Robotech Defense Force on the SDF-1.

Raidar X is also known as the Defender ADR-04-Mk X.

The basecoat is an old Testors Flat Desert Sand spray, no longer in production. The 'eye' is Gloss Green, the knees and ammo packs are Battle Mat Gray, and the floodlights are Chrome Silver.

This photo was taken with a flash. The other two are in natural sunlight.
Weathering is dry brushed Flat Black, with some silver highlights. Gloss Red was used for the weapon- arm targeting scope.
The painting and weathering were done without an airbrush. One method was to apply Flat Black with a swipe of the brush and then to quickly wipe it off again with a rag. The effect is an area that looks like a stain from oil or soot buildup from weapon discharges.

Photos by Stephen L.