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    Stephen Loftus


Starship Modeler Forum Username: SoundEffect    

   Halo.Bungie.Org Forum Username: SoundEffect


I've been into scale modeling since 1985. Although my first kit was a Star Wars R2-D2 Van in 1978, I didn't catch the modeling bug in a serious way until I built the Star Trek III U.S.S. Enterprise. From then on, I have been an almost exclusive sci-fi model builder. My favorite subjects are Star Trek Starfleet ships, but my regular sci-fi subjects come from Star Trek, Star Wars, Robotech, Gundam, and other Sci-Fi movies, TV shows and video games.

I have built Box Stock kits, I've kitbashed some models, and I've done some scratchbuilding as well. I have been commissioned to build kits for people, and I have built models for both theatre and museum exhibits.

When I'm not building models, I can usually be found in front of the computer. With some help from my background in software development, I have produced a scale calculator program called ScaleMaster that is useful in performing calculations related to scale modeling. You can download it below to help with scale calculations. I have some experience with graphic design and I've also produced some custom decals for models with photo and graphics programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.



Star Trek


Star Wars


Battlestar Galactica

Colonial Viper Cylon Raider  


Veritech VT-1D Battloid Veritech VF1J Battloid (Max) Destroid Raidar X
Destroid Gladiator  Destroid Spartan  



Babylon 5

Babylon 5 Station Starfury Mk 1  

Jurassic Park

Tyrannosaurus Rex Velociraptor Brachiosaurus
Mercedes-Benz AAV    
 In Progress

ScaleMaster v1.1

The ScaleMaster application was developed using Visual Basic 6.0. It is a stand-alone program, in that there is only one file. There is no setup program to run. Simply copy the ScaleMaster.exe file to your computer and store it anywhere that is convenient, such as the Desktop or the Start Menu. Although the application's interface was designed to be easy-to-use, there are instructions built into the program should you need help or hints about the program's functions.

This program was donated to the Starship Modeler web site at and I've gotten some great feedback about the program's usefulness from many scale modelers. I hope you find it helpful as well.

With this application, you can calculate scale, a model's size, or the size of the subject being modeled. Based directly from feedback from a few modelers that frequent the Starship Modeler Discussion Forum, ScaleMaster was adapted to perform scale conversions as well.

Click the ScaleMaster icon below to download this handy utility.
Minimum Specs for ScaleMaster v1.1:

-PC computer
-Windows 98 or higher

ScaleMaster.exe (148 kb)


 Stardate Converter v1.0

The Stardate Converter application was developed using Visual Basic 6.0. It is a standalone program so there is no setup program to run. Simply copy the Stardate.exe file to your computer and store it anywhere that is convenient, such as the Desktop or the Start Menu.

This is an application for Star Trek fans so they can translate Stardates into calendar dates and times from the TNG/DS9/VOY time frame, specifically the years 2323 to 2423. You can enter a Stardate and find the corresponding day, month, and year. The process can be reversed as well; you can enter a calendar date and time within the valid date range above and the program will generate the appropriate Stardate.

There's a FAQ sheet with the program and instructions about how to use the application.

Click the Stardate Converter icon to download.
Minimum Specs for Stardate Converter v1.0:

-PC computer
-Windows 98 or higher

Stardate.exe (76 kb)


Warp Calculator v1.1

The Warp Speed Calculator was developed using Visual Basic 6.0. There is no setup program to run. Simply copy the WarpCalculator.exe file to your computer and store it anywhere that is convenient, such as the Desktop or the Start Menu.

This is an application for Star Trek fans so they can see some real numbers of how fast starships can go. The program can calculate Warp Speed velocities in metric, or imperial, based on a whole number or fraction Warp Factor. It will report the velocity of the Warp Factor you input in both the 'Original Series' scale and the recalibrated Warp Scale of 'The Next Generation'. Additionally, you can select to report on how much faster the recalibrated scale is compared to the original scale. Just as is the case with the ships on the show, there are limits to how high a Warp Factor can be calculated. The program will notify you if you've exceeded the scope of the calculator. (Ex. You can't reach Warp 10 in the recalibrated scale.)

Click the Warp Speed Calculator icon to download.
Minimum Specs for Warp Speed Calculator v1.1:

-PC computer
-Windows 98 or higher

WarpCalculator.exe (436 kb)


Any questions or comments about these three programs may be directed to


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