Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/1021
Length = 35.2 cm
Width = 21.3 cm
Height = 6.5 cm
model of the Centaur represents the ship commanded by Charlie
Reynolds who inadvertently fired on a Jem' Hadar ship commandeered
by Captain Sisko and crew.
The filming miniature was a simple kit bash made from off the
shelf model kits. The primary parts are the Excelsior saucer and engines, and the Reliant for the secondary hull/pylons.
The basecoat is Light Gray to allow the Gloss White windows to
show on the hull. 'Off' windows are Gloss Black.
addition of the Excelsior shuttlebay in the front of the ship
would've hidden the Excelsior bridge from view. By adding the Reliant bridge
(at Excelsior scale) is 3 decks high and the sensor dome of the Reliant
becomes the 'bridge'. It is completely visible from the bow
point of view over the forward shuttlebay.
The shuttlebay door and many other detail parts on the model
were painted Copper.
spar leading directly aft of the Excelsior bridge would interfere
with the Reliant's bridge docking port and so is not actually
there. The aft torpedo launcher was placed above the impulse
windows were marked in their proper positions based on the filming
miniature and etched into the hull with a Dremel tool.
The blue hull panel tone is a new Model Master color Azure Blue.
The RCS Thrusters and part of the aft torpedo launcher is Zinc
bottom nacelles from the Excelsior kit are required to produce
the Centaur's warp engines. The light blue warp grille is
actually the piece of detail that sits directly under an
Excelsior nacelle. Using only bottom nacelles is also why there
are three fins at the back.
I made the markings with Adobe Illustrator. They even include
the small gray rectangle details on the lower sensor array.
The Warp grilles are Flat Light Blue with a light coat of
fluorescent Horizon Blue.
bottom details come from varied kit pieces. If I can determine
the actual kit parts used on the studio miniature, I'll replace
The ones I've used on the model so far include Enterprise-B
deflector dishes, bits of TIE Interceptor landing legs, TIE
Interceptor wing attachments, and truck mirrors.
The impulse engines were painted fluorescent Fire Red.
I am missing most of the small copper colored bits that are all
over the filming miniature. As I find out what pieces were used
and can track the parts down, I'll continue to accurize my
is a debate as to the scale of the Centaur: Reliant or
Excelsior. I think the bulk of the evidence points to
Excelsior-scaled components. This
is an illustration of the deck structure for a vessel in scale
with the Excelsior and Reliant. Despite the larger Reliant
Bridge module, the vessel cannot be scaled with the
Reliant. The shuttlebay door would be only 7 feet high...barely enough for a person to walk
through. The bay would also be bisected in the middle of the
deck. There aren't any major problems if
the vessel is Excelsior scaled.
is a photo of the actual filming miniature which had a similar
construction to my model. It is available from Bernd Schneider's
Star Trek fan site
Astris Scientia.
This diagram documents all of the confirmed kit parts I've
identified on the studio model so far. I will update the list as
new information becomes available.
Thanks to Nick for some more
parts identification!