Ambassador Class starship Exeter is the former posting of Lt.
Thomas Paris, who was discharged from the Exeter and Starfleet
for a cover-up of an incident in which resulted in crew deaths.
This model represents the refit version of the standard
Ambassador Class. Upgrades include additional transporter
emitters, updated and rearranged Starfleet pennants, additional
escape pods, Bussard collector cowlings, ventral shuttlebay,
sensor pallets, improved planetary sensor suite, and an upgraded
navigational deflector.
Enterprise-C model was built using the deflector and escape pods
from the AMT Yamaguchi to achieve the refit look. Decals are
from Web Games, AMT Enterprise-D and some custom decals were
The hull basecoat is Camouflage Gray, with major panels painted
in Flat Gull Gray and Medium Gray. Lifeboats are painted Sand
and the Bussard collectors are tinted with Gunze-Sangyo Transparent
The lower Phaser bank was removed and the aft hull was cut off
in order to add the lower shuttlebay.
by Stephen L.