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U.S.S. Hathaway • NCC-2593 • Constellation Class Starship


Model by Stephen L.



AMT/Ertl kits 8617 (USS Enterprise-A) x 2, sheet styrene, other kit parts

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/535
Length = 55.5 cm
Width = 31.9 cm
Height = 14 cm

This is a kit-bashed model of the four-nacelled Constellation Class.

The model was produced using two top saucers, two dorsal 'necks', two outer pylon halves, and four nacelles from two Enterprise-A kits Sheet styrene and some various kit parts made up the rest.

The windows were made the same sizes and shapes as the refit Constitution Class saucer rim windows. They were gouged into the surface of the sheet plastic with a Dremel tool. They were painted Gloss White and Gloss Black. 

Decals were from Web Games. Shuttlebay and cargo bay doors were from Evergreen Plastics.
The model is overall Model Master Light Gray. The nacelle grills are Mat Sky Blue with a coat of Horizon Blue to give them a natural glow when light strikes them.

The damaged sections were scored with the Dremel, and airbrushed with Flat Black and Navy Aggressor Gray. 
The model of the U.S.S. Stargazer in Captain Picard's Ready Room was kit-bashed in the same fashion as this model. One kit piece that is the identical part on the Ready Room Stargazer is the angular piece in the cut-out section at the back of the saucer section. The piece is the "back" of a 1/100 Battroid model from Macross.
This picture depicts the USS Hathaway concluding a long term exploration of a white dwarf star.

This scene started out as blue/black difference clouds with a large lens flare sun slightly higher than center. The Hathaway was placed in the picture and then other stars, shadows and navigation lights were added.
The USS Hathaway was built at a shipyard in orbit of Earth's moon.

Photos and artwork by Stephen L.