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U.S.S. Neptune • NCC-1593 • Triton Class Starship


Model by Stephen L.



AMT/Ertl kit 8617 (USS Enterprise-A), sheet styrene, other kit parts

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/535
Length = 45.3 cm
Width = 27 cm
Height = 11.8 cm

This kit-bashed model was based on a side-view design published in the Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, and a difficult-to-see miniature in a Deep Space Nine episode.
The saucer section, dorsal section, and nacelles were from the Enterprise-A kit, The platform between the nacelles was made from sheet styrene. This model was built before photos of the miniature were available. What is now known is that the platform connecting the nacelles was kit-bashed from the two pylons from Monogram's U.S.S. Voyager kit. 

Since the miniature was without a name and number, I was free to choose a name and registry for myself. The ship was named for the famous Neptune Theatre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The ship's registry number comes from the theatre's street address.
The base color was Light Gray. Other painted details are Gloss Red, Flat Black, Copper, Medium Gray, Sky Blue, Gloss Yellow, and Zinc Chromate. The name and registry decals are from a set from Web Games.
The dedication plaque of the Triton Class Neptune. Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune. The quote is a line from a song that seems to signify the unending nature of exploration.

Photos by Stephen L.