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C h i l d r e n

On this page, I want to share the reality of children. As most of us have with us *our own children*, the sad truth is, there are too many missing children and too many children subject to abuse or violence. Let's help stop these criminal acts against our children. They are our angels!

Childfind 1-800-387-7962 Childfind Missing Child Information

Child Find Nova Scotia ~ Toll-free in NS: 1-800-682-9006

The Green Ribbon of Hope for Missing Children

A Mother's vigil for her missing daughter

This teardrop is in support to help stop sexual abuse of our children!

Verbal Abuse Hurts Too Ring
site is owned by
Gayle Hoogervorst

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Verbal Abuse Hurts Too Webring?
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In rememberence of the tragedy at Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado, April 20, 1999

These flowers are placed here in rememberance of a 14 yr. old child killed and another seriously injured in yet another tradegy at W. R. Myers High School, Taber, Alberta.

Please help stop the abuse of children! Add a heart to your pages.

The Campaign for Missing and Abused Children
Knights of Kindness

This site is owned by
Gayle Hoogervorst

Want to join The Campaign for Missing and Abused Children?
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Presented to my Children's Page on June 15, 1999
Thankyou Claudette :)

*This is for the children*

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