The girls are going to get to be in the Georgia State Fair Talent show in September.If they win they will recieve $250. If you live in Georgia then you should go and support them. It takes place in Macon, Georgia.For directions or more info check out their webpage,
Georgia State Fair

We got T-shirts waiting for you guys now in the Fan Club section. So check that out.

You guys wanna help us out? Then go to Star94.com and e-mail Steve McCoy (one of the D.J.'s) and tell him to get The B.O.O.B.S in the studio. That should help us out a lot! Be sure to give him our email address and webpage

Steph has recently decided to leave the group so now The B.O.O.B.S are just a duo.

The girls just finsihed their demo and are now mixing it before they send it off.

ABN just might be lucky enough to apear on a local radio station here in Georgia called Star 94. It isn't for sure yet but they have to send them a tape and if they like them then they will be able to go into the radio studio and talk for a bit. So if they do go on the show we will tell you the date and even if you don't live in Georgia you can check out www.star94.com and listen to them there.


The girls now have a manager. Her name is Tina and she works for Big 111's records.

Also once we record our CD we will be selling it online so if you would like to buy it keep checking back and see if we have put it out yet. And once we record over the computer and put it on our site you can listen to us and see if you like it and then you can pre-order our CD.


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