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Jungle And Swamp Life

Swamp and Marsh Facts
African swamps are natural reservoirs. During the rainy season they collect and store water, releasing it in the dry season.
European freshwater marshes are full of bird life. Foxes, stoats and - in Spain - lynxes hunt for food in the dry parts.
In the dry season, some Everglades alligators dig water holes. They break the hard ground with their tails and use their snouts as shovels.
Crocodiles float just underwater with only eyes and nostrils showing. They swallow stones to keep them balanced in the water.

Florida Everglades Swamp: 1980

Florida Jungle Cruise: 1980

This American alligator lives in the Florida Everglades
and grows up to 3.5 m (12 ft) long. When food is scarce,
it hunts otters and may sometimes eat small Alligators.

Mangrove Snake
Mangrove snakes wrap themselves around plants and trees
and search for birds and their eggs.

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