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Races and Factions of Jadame Maps and Schedules Quests ***possible spoilers here*** Magic and Spells Potion Recipes Technical FAQ Links to other Sites

I must admit that there is a much more comprehensive copy of this page at "The Erathian Liberation Party" site.
Try that first, I think you will make more sense of it (since it has the names of potions written, whereas here you must point your mouse over the bottles). If you have any problem viewing it (some tech problem with Netscape users was reported, hopefully it will be ok soon), then you can always come back here :)

Potion Recipes:

Note: The order of mixing does not matter. Please tell me if any of these recipes blow up in your face... :)
oh, btw: HP=Hit Points, SP=Spell Points, pp=Potion Power (potion strength)

Simple Potions(can be mixed by anyone):

Cure Wounds Cures 10 HP plus potion strength
Magic Potion Cures 10 SP plus potion strength
Cure Weakness Cures Weakness Condition (same as spell)

Complex Potions(require Alchemy Skill):

Cure Wounds + Magic Potion = Cure Poison Cures Poison
Magic Potion + Cure Weakness = Awaken Awakens character (same as spell)
Cure Wounds + Cure Weakness = Cure Disease Cures Disease Condition (same as spell)

Compound Potions(must be an Alchemy Expert):

Magic Potion + Awaken = Recharge Item Recharges a magic wand (same as spell)
Cure Weakness + Awaken = Harden Item Harden Item (use it to protect items from breaking in battle)
Awaken + Cure Wounds = Bless Bless character (same as spell)
Awaken + Cure Disease = Cure Insanity Cures Insanity (same as spell)
Awaken + Cure Poison = Remove Curse Removes Curse (same as spell)
Cure Disease + Cure Wounds = Haste Haste (same as spell)
Cure Disease + Cure Weakness = Stone Skin Stone Skin (same as spell)
Cure Disease + Magic Potion = Preservation Grants Preservation (same as spell)
Cure Disease + Cure Poison = Remove Fear Removes Fear Condition (same as spell)
Cure Poison + Cure Wounds = Heroism Grants Heroism (same as spell)
Cure Poison + Cure Weakness = Water Breathing Water Breathing (like "Water Walk" spell)
Cure Poison + Magic Potion = Shield Shield (same as spell)

White Potions(must be an Alchemy Master):

Haste + Stone Skin = Divine Cure Cures 5 times pp in HP
Recharge Item + Harden Item = Divine Power Cures 5 times pp in SP
Recharge Item + Cure Disease = Noxious Potion makes poison weapon
Harden Item + Cure Poison = Noxious Potion makes poison weapon
Haste + Awaken = Flaming Potion makes flame weapon
Stone Skin + Cure Poison = Flaming Potion makes flame weapon
Heroism + Awaken = Freezing Potion makes ice weapon
Shield + Cure Disease = Freezing Potion makes ice weapon
Haste + Cure Poison = Shocking Potion makes electric weapon
Heroism + Cure Disease = Shocking Potion makes electric weapon
Recharge Item + Cure Poison = Swift Potion makes swift weapon
Shield + Awaken = Swift Potion makes swift weapon
Recharge Item + Haste = Divine Restoration Removes most conditions
Stone Skin + Shield = Divine Restoration Removes most conditions
Harden Item + Heroism = Divine Restoration Removes most conditions
Harden Item + Cure Disease = Cure Paralysis Cures Paralysis (same as spell)
Stone Skin + Awaken = Cure Paralysis Cures Paralysis (same as spell)
Recharge Item + Stone Skin = Body Resistance Increases Body Resistance (same as spell)
Recharge Item + Heroism = Mind Resistance Increases Mind Resistance (same as spell)
Stone Skin + Heroism = Earth Resistance Increases Earth Resistance (same as spell)
Shield + Harden Item = Water Resistance Increases Water Resistance (same as spell)
Shield + Haste = Air Resistance Increases Air Resistance (same as spell)
Harden Item + Haste = Fire Resistance Increases Fire Resistance (same as spell)
Stone Skin + Cure Disease = Accuracy Boost Temporary Accuracy Boost
Harden Item + Awaken = Intellect Boost Temporary Intellect Boost
Haste + Cure Disease = Speed Boost Temporary Speed Boost
Recharge Item + Awaken = Personality Boost Temporary Personality Boost
Heroism + Cure Poison = Might Boost Temporary Might Boost
Shield + Cure Poison = Endurance Boost Temporary Endurance Boost
Shield + Heroism = Luck Boost Temporary Luck Boost

Black Potions(must be an Alchemy Grandmaster):

Stone Skin + Cure Disease + Awaken = Pure Accuracy Adds 50 points* to Accuracy permanently (may only be used once)
Recharge Item + Cure Poison + Awaken = Pure Personality Adds 50 points* to Personality permanently (may only be used once)
Harden Item + Cure Disease + Awaken = Pure Intellect Adds 50 points* to Intellect permanently (may only be used once)
Haste + Cure Disease + Cure Poison = Pure Speed Adds 50 points* to Speed permanently (may only be used once)
Heroism + Cure Disease + Cure Poison = Pure Might Adds 50 points* to Might permanently (may only be used once)
Shield + Awaken + Cure Poison = Pure Endurance Adds 50 points* to Endurance permanently (may only be used once)
Shield + Heroism + Water Breathing = Pure Luck Adds 50 points* to Luck permanently (may only be used once)

*=+50 permanent, regardless of potion strength!

This page was completely coded manually (word for word) by Steve Jaqvaar, on 4/3/00, so there might be some typos.
The images were extracted from the game using StOrmCat's editor and slightly altered for aesthetic and visibility reasons.

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