
What?  You're leaving?  Well, I won't stop you, especially since by now you're probably screaming, "LET ME OUT NOW!  IT'S JUST SO BADLY DONE!"(J/K, at least I hope so... ^^;;;;)  But if you're going to leave, and you haven't found what you wanted here, then perhaps one of these excellently done sites can help you!  Don't take my word for it though, go check out these great sites for yourself!   

So without further adieu, here they are, the links!  

Amanda Swiftgold's Dragonball Fanfic Page:  Here's a nice page which has several good fanfics and fanarts on it. And it's absolutely jam-packed with Dende related fanstuff!  What Nameksei-jin fan wouldn't like that?

Daishenzhuu EX: This site used to be VegettoEX's site, but moved and had a name change.  It's easily among the top ten Dragonball related sites out there, and is great if you're wondering what Dragonball is/was really like.  It also has some of the best editorials and multimedia.  Trust me, you won't be disappointed at all with this site.  

Dendeshe's Lookout: Well, this site's closed down and everything's gone... but if you're a long time fan and would like to see the closing message, then here you are.

Doku Hana's Lil' Grass Shack: Here's a neat site with some interesting things on Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, and others...  go see!  It's a neat place!  ^^

Dragon Ball Mania: A site with a nice looking layout, it has info on Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, and various other things.  Why not take a look?    

Eternal Bob's RPG/DBZ Site: This is Eternal Bob's site, and has lots of info on some popular console RPG's, complemented by a good section on Piccolo with some nice fanfic's that are pretty well done.  

Green Angel's Realm of Existence:  Here's Green Angel's other site, which has a bunch of Piccolo fanstuff, among other things.  ^^

Green Rapture: Ever wanted to "Declare your allegiance" to the Nameksei-jin?  In reality, this is an... interesting lil' club made and started by Green Angel.  Go check it out, you might just find yourself becoming its next member!

Iyo Ichi's DBZ chantry: An interesting site, only recently unveiled, with some insanely funny things on it, complemented by fanfiction, pictures...  it's run by Kuririn Fetish, who is also known as Iyo Ichi.  Go check it out.  

Jasper-chan's Jigoku no Sekai:  If you're looking for incredible fanart, look no further!  There are some other nifty things here to, like Daishenzhuu scans.  All things said, this is the site that definately proves you don't need to have an incredible eye-popping layout to have an excellent site!

Kamiccolo's guide to page pirates:  If you ever wanted to find out how to deter page pirates (Or join in an active effort to eradicate them from the web) this is the place to go.  Very nice layout, and it's all true!  What can I say?  As the person who spent half a week wondering if I should put labels on the images to deter thieves, I have to say I agreed with just about everything here.

Lordess Vegeta's Twisted World: This site is excellent, original material, great layout, insanely funny humor...  well, funny to me anyway...  ^^;;; there are also some great fanfics...  all around, this site is great! 

Mr. Piccolo's Place: Here's a site with some great humor and some Piccolo related things.  

Nameks Online:  This is a place for tons and tons of Nameksei-jin fan submission, ranging from fanart, fanfiction, winamp skins, and a slew of other stuff!  It's off to a great start, and it's continued growth largely depends on submissions from us fans, so stop on by and support 'em!  

Nameksei: Here's a fairly large, comprehensive Nameksei-jin site, with many interesting things.  

Piccolo's House of Pancakes: A rather unique site, chock-full of information about Piccolo.  

Piccolo Pixies: Here's a nice humor site focusing on DBZ/Nameksei-jin humor in general and Piccolo humor in particular.  If you're looking for a good belly-laugh (Ooh, I'm so articulate now...) then come take a look!  

Planet Namek: Arguably the best site ever for Dragonball related news, information, etc. etc.  If there's anything you need to hear, it can very likely be found here.

Saiya's Place: This is a good site with some very interesting theories on the Nameksei-jin race, as well as fanfiction, lots of good pictures of the Nameksei-jin, and much more.  Go see!

The DBZ Seasonal Fanfic Festival: This is Dendeshe's other site, a recreation of the former 1999 DBZ Summer Fanfic Festival site.  I regret to say I was not really the most Internet DBZ web-surfer I am now, so I missed out on that one.  Still, it's quite good from what I have heard.  At any rate, go to this site now!  Funny on-going story!  Submissions needed! 

The Namek Universe: This was the first completely Nameksei-jin devoted site I ever saw.  It's also one of the best with tons of original material, a comprehensive Piccolo biography, many links, pictures... the list goes on and on...  in short, (And I said this on the updates page) this site just wouldn't be complete without a link to the site that (In my opinion, although I might be wrong) started the Nameksei-jin site explosion (My term for it, anyway) in the first place.

The Random Fanimanga Colony: This site is owned by Majin and houses an extensive amount of material, funny stories, fanart...  a good page. ^^ It's also got a nifty guide to writing humorous fics.

Temple o' Trunks: ::grins::  This is another one of those, "Is there anyone who hasn't heard of this place?" sites, but I thought I'd list it just the same.  Tons of info on Trunks, excellent Multimedia, humor, etc. etc.  In my opinion, easily stands in the Cremrock "Visits almost every single day" list... ^_^ 

Underwear, Vegetables, and Japanese Dishes: Here it is!  One of the most hilarious Dragonball Z humor sites I have ever seen.  Lindsay, the webmistress, was also the first person ever to read and agree to post Dende's Day out!  At any rate, if you want to laugh till your face explodes, this is one of the best sites out there to accomplish that.  

Well, that was quick, wasn't it?  Well, the search for links continues...  submit some! (But read the guidelines first...)  ::hides::  Oh, and I'll be putting up the banners eventually... ^^;;;;