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Here you will find all the latest news updates pertaining to the A.E.Q. dog-walking business. The site will be updated at least once a week, unless specified otherwise on a news posting.

After we left our launch date too late, a spring session of dog-walking was cancelled. However, we hope to re-issue the brochures for a Fall season which would commence in early September. Basically, what the business is, is one that allows owners to have their dogs walked from one to five times a week at a set time. They can choose from two possible half-hour times, or the 5:00 PM one-hour session. These walks take place mainly at Point Pleasent Park. For more information on the sessions, please see the sesions page. We will begin our advertising in late Summer, either coming door-to-door to houses within a region close to Point Pleasent Park, or handing out brocchures. Our prices are included in the sessions section, and, if you think they are unfair, don't hesitate to contact one of us by phone or email.

That's all for now; hope to meet you and your dog(s) soon!

Main Page
The Walkers
Contact information
Session information