Have you ever looked at a picture of the boys and thought to yourself 'What were they thinking at that moment?' They really do baffle the mind sometimes... We here at Daydreams would like to help sort out the madness that is 'NSYNC, and we need your help. We have captioned these pictures, but we want you to send some in too. The more the better, and the best ones will be posted for all to see. Woo-hoo! So if you have an idea e-mail us. Yeah... and the ones that we wrote were done at two in the morning, so I hope you find them as funny as we do.

"Hey big boy, do you wanna come sit on Santa's lap? heh heh heh" -JC
"Not now. The elves can come in at any minute." -Lance

Next on Martha Stewart Living, Justin Timberlake of 'NSYNC will show off
his crafty side and show us not only how to properly trim a tree,
but how to make his Grammy's famous peach cobbler...

Wasn't it JC who said he had thug appeal? Word.

"Wow... my tounge is longer than I thought." -Justin
"No way, mine is way longer than your's, Jay. I've got the tounge skills." -Joey
"Can I get a what what?"- Chris
"Man, why'd I have to get stuck with the stumpy one?" -JC
"Hey you guys, that's not funny. Seriously, you need to quit that.
This is my life long dream here, and you're not taking this seriously. You guys!"-Lance

"Jack, I'm flying. I'm really flying!" -Lance
"Guess where my hand is." -Joey
"I can feel where his hand is." -JC
"I can see where his hand is." -Chris
"I don't wanna know where his hand is." -Justin

"Carrots are my source of strength. Feed me O' Wise One." -Afroman (I mean... JC)

I just can't stop laughing long enough to write anything.
Have you ever seen somebody try so hard to look tough? Oh, it hurts. It hurts.

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