Hey guys. Cali here. I was looking at the updates section, and I stopped for a moment saying "Gasp! I barely have updates really listed among this babble. It's just that! Babble!" So then I left the computer, ate some pizza, picked up my dump of a room, etc. Finally, I came back and said to myself "We are going to have a place to babble at!" Then began the naming process. It could have been called 'Deep Thoughts' but for the most part, there aren't really too many of those going on around here. We could have called it Masterpiece Theater, but... it didn't really fit what I was going for. Then I thought back to a previous site I once attempted to have before homestead sold its soul to the Devil himself (and before I got way busy away as a camp counselor). On this site was a section intitled Rants & Raves. And I already had a cool little banner-esque thing made (please see above) and well look at that. This section is now born. We have a place to rant (grrrr), rave (oh my God!), or just plain babble... which you can see I'm mighty good at.

August 12, 2002
-Ok, you have NO idea how happy this stupid little thing made me. I was wrestling with the stupid computer thinking about my crappy summer and attempting to finish part 4 of Tired of the Lie(its coming along, maybe later tomorrow) and I stumble upon this stupid quiz....and it made my day!!!!!!!!

Which Nsync Jewelry are You?
Quiz byTara

I really want to go to the Piercing Pagoda now, but I have to settle with a night of British Comedies on BBC America with my mom...hehehe Joey. By the way, everyone neeeeds to go see My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Joey appears in all his blue velour jumpsuit glory.:) I luff him so. ~Bennie

August 11, 02
-Okay, so I'm still looking through my rolling stone as I sit here eating raisin brain and getting ready for church which I should really leave for in a few minutes cause the freeways are all jacked up and it's already a twenty minute drive... ANYWHO- So I just finished reading an article about Craig Nicholls from The Vines, and I swear to God he reminds me of the main character Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. That's like my favorite book. But, yeah, I just thought I'd share that random thought with you seeing as I was sitting in front of the computer anyway. Yeah, I'm an oddball, I know. Have an awesome day and yahoo for God. Hmmmm, I have to go find my Bible so I can leave. -Cali

August 10, 02
-Ha ha ha. Breathe. Ha ha ha. Okay, okay. So my Rolling Stone came in the mail today, and I was all happy. It's been a good day so far. Got up, coined $50, got my new book (book #7 in the Left Behind series... The Indwelling. Oh, it's a-getting good) went to the bead store with mom, got a new role of hemp (let the fun begin), got some ice cream cause it's kinda hot out, finished tweaking chapter four... oops, I didn't say that... Anyway, I get home, and Rolling Stone is in my mail box. I am a happy girl. So I'm flipping through from back to front, as I always do, and I read a short page article on the Get Up Kids which I'm gonna cut out and give to Bennie, and keep looking through and then I see it. Ha ha ha ha. You know those Jansport back pack adds with the different celebrities. Oh, ha ha ha. Wade J. Robson him self, sitting there in his way too high up shiny blue metallic pants, dancing around in the backround, looking like a dope. It makes me laugh. The guys, like, normally hella fyne and everything, but he looks so fruity in this that... oh, I have to scan it. One sec... Oh, it hurts. It hurts.

Okay, that's only half of it cause my computer's being retarded, but oh, is it just me? I really do love the guy. I mean, I had a pic of him in my agenda all through senior year. But it's just that, ha ha, he looks so, he he he. I don't know. I'm ending this here. He he he he he. -Cali (who's still chuckling to herself)

August 8, 2002
-Well, this is going to sound incredibly stupid and teeny-bopperish, but my sister just reminded me and I don't care, so...

Happy Birthday, JC!!

He is now officially as old as Chris was like 10 years ago. And I think he's aging a bit better and without one of those pesky midlife crisis mohawks.(Although he did have a semi-mullet a while ago...) But to get back on track. Yay-hoo for site updates and whatnot of yesterday. Not to mention all the vote countage Cali and I did. I'm tired just remembering it.

And today is doing so good..I saw my Joey on The View. Just sitting there all cute, with his ugliest shirt known to humanity and red pumas on. Awwwwwwww. And I think that at the ripe old age of 19 I'm maturing. I didn't boo at the screen when he talked about Kelly. Or maybe not, since the minute his interview was over I went to Broadway.com and watched the clip of him in Rent 3 times. Honestly, thats like the greatest thing ever. I've loved Rent waaaay longer than I've loved Joey, and the marriage of the two didn't sit quite right with me at first...but now that that clip is available to me, I now know that its a marriage of talent and talent...which equals a lot of talented schtuff in the end. Wow, am I ever eloquent today. I should go back to Grandpa-sitting though. It's lunchtime. ~Bennie

August 3, 02
-Okay, okay, okay. Nobody be mad that it's been THAT long since we've done anything. The good news is... drum roll please... I'm HOME! Yes indeed, camp is over for the summer and this means something. It means that gasp, I will actually have time and be in the right metal state to write stuff. Yea! Things will start being done around here. What to look forward to, what to look forward to. Chapter 3 of Familiar is coming super soon, like, hopefully in the next few days. We're planning a new layout cause as much as we love our JC one, it's gettin' old. Bennie's always working on fifty bagillion different things, so I'm sure she'll have stuff for you soon too. And all will be well in the world again. I have to go now though. Time to unpack all my crap. Yea! Home! -Cali

June 30, 02
-Hello everyone!!! Cali here. I just wanted to take a moment before I hop downstairs to do some laundry to say that I'm super sorry for the extreme lack of updates. I was browsing around and realized the last update was June third and that's almost a month ago. I'm so sorry. I know things are going along super slow, but we've both been super busy with work. And, like, I don't really have any time to write while at camp. I'm too busy running around after 16 to 21 girls who don't like to listen. Sigh. I forgot why I'm doing this again. Anywho. Yes, it's way hard to write at camp, and then when I do come home, I sleep, sleep, then sleep some more. I don't even go out, that is my boring life. I haven't seen Bennie or Sunny is a good month or so and I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! But just so you know, I haven't forgot about the site. Thanks for all the positive feedback I've gotten so far with Familiar, it makes me so very happy. Chapter three is almost finished. I just have to write this last scene and it's bugging me. I really have to go now. Bye everybody, and keep reading!!! -Cali

June 15, 2002
-Ok, I couldn't help it. Reallly. I had to take this What Nsync Slash Pairing Are You? Quiz...I know, I need some holy water and a good therapist. But lookee what I got! Hahaha...my favorite:)

Yay for me.~Bennie

June 13, 02
Hi guys!!!! I have a split second, and thought I'd say hi. I miss you all so much. I miss even just coming onto the site and staring at JC longingly. So pretty. Camp is good though. The girls come on Sunday. Excitement. The staff this year is great; it's gonna be a blast. I just miss this dear web site. And I'll hopefully have a Familiar update soon. I hope. Oh, and Bennie's the greatest ever. She sent me a package for my birthday. Wasn't that nice? Gotta jet. -Cali :)

June 11, 2002
-Ok, so I PROMISE that this entry won't include any online quiz results. (But if you want to know, I am Lance's stubble in the What Nsync Facial Hair Are You? Quiz) Anywho, I am bubbling up some new things on the site. I am compiling my wonderful slash favorites for my slash guide, I've been working on Tired of the Lie, I have been bored, therefore contemplating a new weird misc thing, and.....ta da!!! I have begun the outline and made the banner for my new story. It will be a Joey/Justin, and the title (so far) is Overdue. I put the banner up for your looking enjoyment on the fiction page. I realllllly want to write it, but I am making myself finish, or at least ALMOST finish, Tired of the Lie first. And let me tell you, I come up with these story ideas in the weirdest ways. Ok, so I listen to a lot of music, mostly of the punk/emocore genre. Which makes this whole Nsync thing really baffling. But hey, it works. Hahahaha. So when I get an idea for a slashy Nsync story from one of my favorite bands songs, it makes me laugh..a lot. Oh silly me. Hehehe. But I suppose that I shall go back to my site work...man, I wish that Cali wasn't away forever at camp, its rough to have a new story bubbling and no one to talk to aboot it. Sigh. ~Bennie

June 7, 2002
For some reason this makes me giggle a lot...so very happy...and so very pathetic...hahaha...
Take this quiz at Those Five Dorks!
Whose Sense Of Humor Do YOU Share?

I love online quizzes.~Bennie

June 7, 2002
-Hey, so I am addicted to online quizzes and they are my only livelyhood since my parents decided to suck. I love them, and I just took about three. Here's one of them:
Which Evil Criminal are You? Hahaha...apparently this lady tortured over 600 girls to bathe in their blood cause it made her skin look youthful. Niiiice. But on the fan fiction front, I just mailed the new part of tired of the lie to Cali at camp, so once the approval is stamped, I can post away...oh, and i have a grrreat new story idea bubbling away in my head...cant wait to work on that. But my compooper is being slow, so I should sign off. Tootles. ~Bennie

June 7, 02
Hey everyone, it's Sunny! Yeah, so I haven't written in a while to let anyone know what's up with me. I also haven't really edited much recently. Just so ya know, the typos are all my fault. Sorry. I've been feeling pretty slackerish lately. I have a lot of stuff to do for next year and stuff to fill out for a summer job, and I'm procrastinating on everything in my life because I don't want to take responsibility for it. That way, it's all good ya know? If I fail, it's ok because I didn't try to succeed. It's not exactly the best way to go about life though, so I'm praying for God to motivate me to at least take baby steps. Oh and Go Wings!! It's your birthday!! That was awesome yesterday (even though it's only 4:00 in the morning right now.) I came home from watching the German version of the play Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat, just in time to see the last 2 goals scored. It's so exciting. I really want us to win so bad. My mom is so cute about the games too. She sits on the floor in front of the TV and cheers through the whole game. She's always like "WOO HOO!!" or "Stay In The Net!" or something like that. I'm telling ya, If I had money, I'd take her to a game, because she would enjoy it so darn much. She likes her some Red Wings Hockey. Of course, it's hard not to. Hey, guess what! Cali's birthday is on the 9th, so everyone send her love, especially because she won't be home for it. She'll be away at camp and isn't too thrilled about it. Ok, yeah, I think I'm gonna go now and try to go back to sleep. I just kinda wanted to update ya'll on stuff so that you didn't think I fell off the face of the earth, or think I've recently become illiterate because of all the typos. No I'm alive and kickin', just kinda apathetic is all. Ok, I'll talk to you later. -Sunny

June 3, 02
I wuv Bennie, and she needs to smile. BIG SMILE, honey! -Cali

June 2, 02
I know I've been coming on here to babble a lot. It's just that I start camp in a day, ONE day, and I'm going to miss you so much! Yes, updates will be slow. Well, maybe I'll have like mamma jamma updates when I get back. Maybe not. I don't know how this summer's going to go. I actually just finished writing chapter two of Familiar. I'm bout to start on chapter three, just cause I'm so excited about this story, and the plot is starting to reveal itself a bit, you know. Yeah, so I just sent chapter two out to Bennie, and hopefully she'll get back to me tomorrow, so I'll be able to post it before I leave. And do you know what, I went to the greatest concert ever yesterday. My favorite band in the world, who I love more than 'NSync, more than Linkin Park which we have mentioned a bunch in here I think, more than anyone, cause, duh, they're my favorite, were in town yesterday. I think I may have mentioned them in a story. Oh, yes, I think I say something about them in Loves Me... Our Lady Peace. So, like, I have been in love with OLP since eighth grade. I'm now a sophomore in college, and yesterday was the first time I've seen them in concert. How sad it that? It's not like I don't go to a lot of shows, it's just that I've always had bad luck in the ticket department concerning past shows, and they're a lot more popular in Canada so they don't come here very often. This concert has been years in the making... So, I was determined to be up front for this. And me, being the oh so tough, hard core person that I am, was. I was up front, pinned against the barricade from the entire weight of the crowd pushing on me. I couldn't breathe for most of the concert, but it's all part of the experience, right? I was still up there, singing along like crazy. Ouch, oh, ow. I hurt. My mom says I look like I got the crap beat out of me cause I'm so covered in bruises from everybody just pushing forward. But let me tell you. *sigh* It was so worth it. Like, I'm in serious pain right now, but I'm still in this blissful trance. They were AMAZING! Most definitely reminded me why they were my favorite. It was such a good show. Wow. I'm still amazed. And, hell, Raine is HOT, man. DAMN FYNE! Good God! I won't get into all the details, cause it would probably bore you all, and I think it's safe to bet that half of you who read this don't know who they are, seeing as this is an 'NSync site and all. I'm definitely an alternative chick. This weird fetish I have with 'NSync baffles me at times, cause they're such an odd ball in my CD collection. Well, I do have some other pop CD's from high school. And I did buy Mandy Moore this past year, but she's cool, and she got to kiss Kissy Poo (Shane West) in A Walk to Remember, so it's all good. It's an ecletic mix, my CD collection. But yeah, I'm an alternative chick. Bennie's a punk chick, if you don't mind me saying that, hun. How the two of us have an 'NSync site is beyond me. But it works, and I think I brainwashed her at the beginning of the year. he he he. I'm going now. I'm itching to start the next chapter. I'll maybe leave you with more thoughts on why I like 'NSync so much and why I think that's weird later. It's an interesting story, how this all came to be. Well, I think it's interesting. I'm going to take some motrin and write write write! Night ya'll! -Cali :)

May 31, 02

That had to be one of the greatest hockey games I have ever seen in my entire life:) And, dude, I grew up in a hockey family, been going to games since I was, like, five, so, that's a lot of games. Man oh man. 7 to zip, zero, ziltch, NOTHING. Ha ha ha. Go wings. It's your birthday. Go wings. It's your birthday. Shut out! Woo hoo! Those are my boys. Kicking some Colorado boo-tay. Watch out Carolina, here we come! -Cali

May 26, 02
Oh grrrr, grumble and gym socks. I would consider myself to be a very nice, trusting person. In fact, I have been told many-a-times that I'm TOO nice. How a person can be too nice, I don't know, but apparently, I am. And in my overly niceness, I'm a laid back person as well. It takes a lot to really get my grinds going. A lot of the time, I'm just being overdramatic about things cause that's me, Cali the Drama Queen. BUT!!! When stupid people who write stupid stories that are stupid crowd up votes DASTARDLY by coming up with stupid screen names and all out cheating at OUR award site. Oooooo. I'm one angry girl right now. This is down right dastardous! (Dastard, by the way, is my current favorite word. Everything has been dastardous, or dastardly, or dastard something or another over the past 24 hours. Just go with it. Good word though, huh?) I just finished counting some votes for Phantasm because I'm off to my cottage for the next few days, just me and Sunny, and that makes me happy, cause we get to chill, I get to write and scrapbook, and sleep. I love to sleep. So, here I am, getting things organized, about to pack up the laptop when I think to myself, gee golly, I should do that so the votes don't get too crazy whilst I'm away, not like they really would, but you know. Here's to hoping. So I go to our lovely phantasm mailbox, all happy that we have, like, uh, 50 some votes total, that's like 12 new ones I need to count and this and that. I'm like, cool beans. So, I break out the handy dandy spread sheet (this is your sneak peak into the world of award sites) and get to marking the *'s and /'s that are coming in. Now... recently I noticed one particular person was doing quite well. So, me, being me, went and read the story. It was... not to be mean, sucky. There was no umph to it, it was boring, it was SO unoriginal, I've read a bagillion just like it but better, it didn't even have the 'that was soo cute, little girls hook up with each member' factor or something like that cause I have a soft spot for those cheesy stories. Soo cute. But this story isn't even good. I'll admit when something is, and this one reaks of stenchiness. So, I'm thinking to myself, what in the world is happening. This person is winning almost every category they're in by a good ten votes or so, which when you only have like 50, um, yeah, hello! I wasn't going to make this a big deal. I really wasn't. I was going to give people the benifit of the doubt and be like okay ya'll. You're good people, I know you are. We'll do this all fair like, and everyone will be happy like Smurfs frolicing in the field (or happy like Bennie and Rivers frolicing in a field. He he. Just kidding). NO!! No! No! No! You had to make this diffictult. You dastardous character you!! I'M ON TO YOU! Make no doubt about it. You know who you are, and I will fix this! You couldn't have just done things the fair way, the nice way, the HONEST way. No, you had to be sneaky, and dastardly, and mean, and give me a headache. You also worried my poor parents who now think their daughter is crazy cause she was yelling at the computer about twenty minutes ago. And then they had to listen to me go on and on about this stupid person, their stupid story, how things could have been but aren't, how they used LIES to try to win cause they're too stupid and dastardous to imagine that the fair way may be better. Maybe they were to scared to find out they sucked. Here, let me. YOU SUCK!! You had to go and make me get mean, and I don't like that, and now I'm all worked up, and my teeth still hurt, and I have to pack to leave early tomorrow so I can spend my last few days with my best friend at my cottage before I have to leave for a crazy summer at camp and I'm just not a happy camper. -Cali
Damn you dastardly coward full of lies. Damn you!

May 25, 02
-I took that quiz that Bennie took. I got JC which, is, good I guess. I could do that. Yes indeed. In my last rant & rave, I was talking about how nice the weather was here in Michigan. Now, as I look out the window, it's kinda gray, a bit chilly, and my toes are cold. Such is life. But that's okay, cause I got some good sleep last night, which was not the case the last few (cause of all the drugs I'm on pour les teeth). Um... I'm really just bored, with nothing to do, hence me being on the computer. I don't even have anything to babble about!!! I think I shall go curl up on the couch with my laptop, some tea, my blankey, and either write or play spider solitarie. Sound good? Good. Bye kiddies! -Cali

May 24, 2002
-Ok, it is now official. I, Bennie, am way too addicted to slash. So I take one of those "Ideal Nsync Sexual Partner" quizzes, and for once, I answer them all truthfully, no skewing to get Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. and what do I get? This:
JoLa is my ideal NSYNC sex partner

who's your ideal NSYNC sex partner? find out here

Yep, that's right folks. Bennie's dream come true. I laughed right out loud when I saw that. Pllllease someone tell me that if I wish really hard the doorbell will ring now and JoLa will be there, ready to proposition me. Oh goodness. My mind is wandering and I suddenly have an urge to go write me some Tired Of The Lie. Now, in my opinion, there arent many twosomes of Nsync that I would like to get in on. This is number one in my book. Whew. Is it hot in here? I need help, honestly.-Bennie, the slash junkie with a mind chock full o'dirty thoughts

May 23, 02
-Hello to everyone out there is cyberland!!! How are we all doing? I hope people are wonderful. I just got up from a good 2 1/2 hour nap. It is now 3:21 p.m.. It's nice here in Michigan. It's sunny, the breeze is blowing, and I think I may go lie on the hammock and think about Familiar. Yes, indeed, we have been some busy chica's round here. And soon you will all see the outcome to all our labor. Hmmm, just so you all know, my cheeks are still looking a bit puffy. Today is the first time since I got my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday that I'm feeling any pain. Thank God for pain killers, huh? I would also like to say that Mickey D's has some super good shakes now that they're 'Triple Thick'. My wonderful friend, Julie, brought me one yesterday along with two Disney movies to watch. I'm still working on it (the shake) today, slowly, with a spoon cause I can't use a straw, but they are very yummy. And my mum is now home from work. I think I'm going to make her help me tweek this pattern tonight so I can make myself a dress. Won't that be fun? The sewing part I can do. I have much confidence in that area, the pattern tweeking part, that I don't want to screw up. It's going to be beautiful. A green wrap dress, with a black ribbon around the waist. I'm very excited. Um... I'm just babbling now, but I guess that's not so bad seeing as this is where we come to babble. Alas, I think I will sign off now, go out side with my notebook, and start the wonderful world of 'Familar'. I've been taking about that story for so long, aren't we glad that I'm finally going to start writing it? I hope nobody is too sad about me talking down Only in Dreams for the time being. Once I finish Loves Me... I will put it back up. I promise. So, off I go now. Have a great day everybody! And check back soon for a bunch of new things. It will be exciting, I promise!!!! Bye ya'll! -Cali P.S. Bennie, I just have to say one thing: You fill up my seeeeeeeenses, like the blue mountain foooooooorest! He he, John Denver.

May 22, 2002
-Ok, this is Bennie. I have written two short stories since being home, and I will put them up as soon as I get them fully edited and with Cali's stamp of approval. So, hopefully soon. (I already put the banners up to pique your interest-muahaha) But I am off now to listen to my new CD and sigh a lot while editing and trying to find a job.-Bennie

May 20, 02
-WE JUST LOST! Ah, grrrr, ugh. Damn you stupid avalanche!!!!!! Oh, um, yeah. I just finished watching the hockey game, and all I really have to say is...
Go Wings!!! You go kick some Colorado butt!!!
Yeah, big hockey fan here. It was tied three - three, and they won in overtime. I'm upset. The dude across the street from me is an avalanche fan. I was hoping he would come out while I was cleaning my car so I could yell something at him. He didn't though. Can you believe him? You live in the 'burbs of Detroit buddy. HELLO McFLY! Idiot. Yeah, I'm just really procrastinating going to bed. When I get up, sigh, I'll be going to get all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. Oh, whine whine whine. Sunny and I were supposed to go to my cottage this week. I was planning on getting some major writing done, start familiar, finish Loves Me. No, it has to get done tomorrow. And who's up there now. My brother. Thanks a million Josh! Him and my cousin John and two girls. Yeah, I'm really having a hard time imagining what they're doing up there. And I don't think it's fishin'. Okay, I'm just an angry white girl tonight. I'll shut up. Oh, on a happier note... God is good. I want you all to know that. My daddy was in a real bad car accident today (hence me cleaning my car so he could use it tomorrow to go to work) and he doesn't have a scratch on him. The car was flipped over, wheels up in the air, he didn't have a seat belt on, the car is totaled. And he doesn't have a bump, bruise, or any kind of boo boo at all. My God, He's an awesome god. On that happy note, good night kiddies. I'm off to bed, the place I will be spending the next three days in most likely, highly doped up on pain killers. -Cali

May 8, 2002
-Hey everybody, this is Bennie, who has finally found a spare minute to get online and write in this thing. Grrr...I hate not being at school. Don't get me wrong, home is good, the fam is good, but I miss my lovely ethernet that doesnt tie up the phone line, as well as all my friends and the fact that at school, my mom wasnt asking me if I had found a job yet every five minutes. And it was way easier to work on the site. For all of you out there who have yet to move home from college for the summer, here is a tip:either make sure you live like a homeless person at college or have your room at home be entirely empty. It is a bitch and a half moving one full room into anotherfull room. I am almost done, but not without many bruises and heartaches. Oh, and I fell down the stairs once, I say as i sit here with my sprained ankle up on a pillow and another pillow under my severely bruised butt...ow ow ow. But anywho, yes, Cali sent me a virus. But it wasnt a big virus, and it was only on the banner for her story...not the story itself. So she shouldnt feel so bad. My laptop remains ok. And I am working, really working, on finishing Tired of the Lie, but its hard to write when you are busy all day and when you sit down to your computer at night, a chorus of "What are you doing?"s ring out. Or your lovely little sister asks you, "Are you writing more stories where they're all gay?" right in front of your Mom. So you, while wanting to kill her, say, "What? Oh, silly little sister, that was all a joke," while you mom looks at you strangely and you decide never to write anything in her presence again. I love my Mom, shes the best ever, but for some odd reason I dont think that she would take kindly to the fact that her daughter is a slash writer. Or a slash reader for that matter. Ugh. Another thing, I am so in slash withdrawal right now. I almost stole away downstairs in the middle of the night last night because I woke up and couldnt sleep and realllly wanted to read some good slash. But I kept my urges under control, thank goodness. I am so silly. Honestly. But I have to get back to cramming things in my room now, hopefully I will have an update next time I write in this. -Bennie

May 7, 02
-Wow, this is gonna be a long one. So very bored am I. I have done so much stuff today, and now it’s time to relax. All I want to do is sit at the computer and look around, surf here, read a little fiction there. I’m typing this on my laptop which isn’t connected to the internet, just so you know. Our computer downstairs is being defragmented. You KNOW you’re bored when you sit there and watch little rectangles go across the screen and find it ENTERTAINING!!! So what have I done today? Well, I woke up early, well, it was 10:00, and I call it early because I had to use my alarm to get up. Yes, so I woke up early, and got ready to go jogging. Yes, you read the correctly, I was going to go jogging. I need to get back into some sort of shape so I can chase after 20 campers every week this summer. I love my job. Any who, I get dressed, find my tennis shoes, pick a CD for the headphones, open the door, close the door, go to the fridge to eat some yogurt, pet Chazz the cat so he’ll leave me the hell alone, go to the computer (humph!) and check mail. Apparently I sent Bennie a virus yesterday, which I’m so super sorry about. Luckily, she didn’t open it. So so sorry, Hun. By this point I’m like, eh, and there is a whole crew of guys across the street painting Ghetto boy’s house (ghetto boy is a long story for those of you who don’t know. He’s the very nice lookin’ guy that lives across the street) and I thought to myself, Eek! if I go running for the first time in what seems like for ever, wow I slacked off at school, people will see me stopping every block to catch my breath, or rather every two blocks. I know I can make it that far which is actually pretty good in my book cause these are ass backwardly long subdivision blocks. So I rethought that whole plan and decided that I would go running this evening, cause that’s when I usually go, and I like it better then. Nights are calmer. So I didn’t go running. I went back to the computer, about to e-mail Bennie back, sending her the short story I wrote to get the seal of approval because she couldn’t get to the virus infested one last night. Once again. I’m so sorry about that. My computer is retarded, to say the least. I couldn’t get on. (DAMN YOU VIRUS! DAMN YOU!) Luckily, Daddy’s gonna go get something so solve the problem tomorrow. Now, with the lack of the internet, I mosey on upstairs to my super way messy room. Then I organize everything for my college scrapbook. I’m a scrapbook junkie. There are 28 pages I’m planning on for this school year. It’s insanity. So I organize picture after picture, and somehow made it onto the computer (internet) to get some pictures from this one concert I went to and didn’t have a camera, which I don’t think it would have mattered because I had the very last row, and I’m dead serious, my back was up against the wall, and I was very very doped up on codeine, and was having hot flashes cause I had a fever, and was getting a bit delirious, and woo! That was an interesting night to say the least. So I get some pics and all in well. Then my folks come home from work, and I get the disapproving ‘you’ve done nothing’ look which is so not true. Oh yes, then I start to clean my room. They didn’t ask me too, I just felt like it. Sad, huh? And when I say cleaned, I mean I organized this bad boy. It’s almost scary how clean it is now. I open my closet and gasp, ALL my clothes are put away, hanging up, shoes not tumbling towards your head. It’s very nice. My cat ate my macaroni and cheese... is that a good thing? I left it on my desk when I was cleaning. I hope cheese isn’t like chocolate for dogs to cats... did that make sense? Righto, I’m still bored. And this is very long. It’s 11:30, so I guess I could go to bed or something. I am quite famished. NO!!! I have a question to ask all of ya’ll out there who may be reading this (does anybody read this???). So, a few nights ago, I had this dream with my grade school crush in it, like the dude I liked for 5 years... and in grade school that was a long time. Hmmm, let’s call him Waldo. No, that’s not his real name, but you could know him, so, um, there. (?) Right, so Waldo was in my dream, and he has been on my mind for the past few days. Like crazy mad on my mind. And I haven’t seen him since our 8th grade graduation. Wow, that’s awhile ago... what? 5 some years. Yeah, so I haven’t seen him, BUT I have gotten like a, how would I put this, I’ve gotten hello’s from him passed through people where it’s just a crazy coincidence that the person happens to know both of us, like, my brother’s ex-girlfriend and this one girl who was in my youth group and ran into him downtown or something. Yes, so there have been hello’s, and we always got along back in the day. That’s besides the point... he’s been on my mind, and suddenly I got this huge urge to get his address and write him a letter. Not like a long babble such as this, but a ’hey, Waldo, how are you? You’ve been on my mind...’ I don’t know. What do ya’ll think? Should I write him? I wonder if I’ll even be able to find his address. Well, there’s not too many Waldo’s out there. What would you do? Am I just being crazy? I feel like I really need to write him but I don’t know if it’s just my imagination. Maybe God’s trying to put it on my heart to get in contact with him for some reason. I JUST DON’T KNOW! Okay, tell me what you think, seriously. I’m ending this cause it’s simply too long. -Cali

May 3, 02
-HOOOOMMMMMEEEE!!!!! Oh, it feels so good to be home. I'm chilling here, eating my yummy Thai noodles, looking through my new Rolling Stone, updating Phantasm, and just being home. It feels so great to be away from... school. And everything that entails. Grrrrr. Now... I don't know how things are going to go down around here now. I'm a bit worried to say the least. But don't you worry, we'll figure everything out. Sigh, I'm home. Hmmmm. I think that's all I'm gonna say for now. On the way home I wrote a short story in my head, and I want to get it out onto paper. We'll see how it turns out, and how 'short' it will be. Wow, I'm a good babbler. So good to be home... -Cali

April 20, 02
-Yeah, another late night rant from the daydreams crew, or rather, just me. It's 3:17 right now, some maybe the date should be the 21st. Ahhhh, who cares. Tonight has most definitely been a lesson in the true meaning of college life. You only learn these things when there's a week and a half left of the year, not at the very beginning. Yes, different lessons like how to tear down a dorm room, how to finally talk to roommates that ignore you for the majority of the year simply because they aren't talking to somebody else.... hmmmm... interesting, drunk boys wandering around, cutting their toes while jumping from a bunk, and good boys turned bad... I am ashamed to say I had a thing for one of those 'good boys' a month or so ago. Yes, the year is almost over. I am so ready to go home. It will be a bit interesting working on the site with Bennie and I 40 some minutes away from each other and me away at camp making some dough for next school year. Especially with this awards site... it will be interesting. We have decided we will live at each others house during the grand month of May. Whether or not that will actually happen, who's to say. Hmmmmm... Don't worry, this site will still be alive and kicking. Not that it's really kickin' so much right now. Sorry. We've been busy with Phantasm. I've got mad writer's block with Loves Me, and crazy, what, planners block with Familiar. I'm a-thinkin' I'm going to put Only In Dreams on hold for now. Like, I really love the story and all, a whole lot, but I was so excited about Familiar, but I have no idea how this thing is gonna happen. I'm going for the anti-cheese here. I remember when I was first writing Loves Me Loves Me Not back in my sophmore year of high school. Back when it was called Dream Date (it's a re-write, if you didn't know) and I thought it was the coolest plot line because, duh, that's how it was really going to happen. Sooooo, funny. Wow, it sucked the big one. I'm sorry for the cheese filled story that it is. I didn't want to change the basic plot to it. Unfortunately that means cheese. And It Changes Day to Day, okay, yeah, I know that would NEVER happen, but once again, I wrote that sophmore year, or at least I started writing it then. Oh the memories. Sitting in the halls, talking about cheesy pop, writing stories, and arguing over which boyband was better. My one friend Annette actually had a story with me running down i-94 after the Backstreet Boys yelling 'Spank Me, Brian' the entire way. Not realistic stuff, huh? So hopefully, this next won't be filled with Velveeta. He he, Bennie thought I said Loleeta. (I just asked her how to spell it. It's late. I'm suffering from a silent case of 'Dumb Head' as some call it) Wow, a wave of fatigue just washed over me. Yawn. Okay, yeah, I will end here. Good night kiddies! Sweet Dreams. I think I'm off to play my new obsession- Spider Solitaire! -Cali

April 8, 02 (again)
-I know, I know, Bennie already wrote in here today, but I thought I would also. It is true... We are both dying. She's been dying ever since Easter actually. Me on the other hand... I was eh, okay, until Sat. night. We were at a show and went to Lil' Chef afterwards, and all throughout the meal (well, dessert actually. What else would you eat at midnight?) I was convinced I had part of the tooth pick I had been chewing on caught in my throat. I was wrong. I'm just sick. I'm actually pretty doped up on Codine right now. Yes, so we're still working on the Phantasm Awards. I'm so stoked about it. I hope people come and people like it and all that jazz. Oh, and guess what else. Me and Bennie (sorry, Bennie and I) are sitting in a fort right now. We just finished making it before I came in here to write. It's complete with blankets and chairs. Our futon matress thing is underneath it. That's where we're chillin. It's so much fun. He he he. I feel like a two year old. -Cali

April 8, 2002
-Whew. It's been a long time since one of us has written something, while in other places in the site we have been updating like gangbusters. First of all, I (Bennie) finally finished Part Two of Tired Of The Lie, so that's posted. And I'm actually making a lot of progress on Part Three, which is the last part, so I can have that all finished and start on Hiding Out, which I have been waiting to write forever and ever. And we have a new layout...damn JC is so hot. Honestly. Like, we saw him in the concert...woo-hoo.(We will be posting our pictures and a summary of the concert within the next couple days) And we have the Misc.Weird Stuff page up...which is nothing but the good times. Check it out. Pretty soon there will be a whole lot of fun stuff on there, but for now, there are only two up, with a third on the way. Oh! And also, Cali and I are starting an awards site. They are called the Phantasm Awards, (great name,huh?) and we will let you know when we put it up...within the next few days. Yay!!! See, Cali and I have had a lot of extra time to do all this since we both have been dying. Like actually dying. My head has turned into a snot factory. But you don't want to hear about that. So what are two girls to do when they are just laying around feeling poopy? Update their way cool Nsync Fan Fiction Site. So it shall be written, so it shall be done. (hahaha) And we have been very happy to see that we have been getting a lot more traffic on the site lately. Yay! Keep on the guestbook signage and Update list joinage! It makes us very happy to know that people are enjoying what we work on so hard. :) But I think that we should get back to working on writing and the awards page! Happy Clicking!-Bennie

March 23, 02
Sigh. Recent events have led Bennie and I to a extremely sad lack of enthusiasm towards 'NSync. Case and point, last night MTV news came on and our reactions where "Who cares if Justin and Britney broke up? That's not real news!" -me and "Hey, he filmed that before On The Line." -Bennie. Normally we would be like "Oooooo, get the tape," but nah, we just kinda sat there and stared off into space. And also, we're excited to go to the concert, but it's just like, "eh, another thing to do. Another show to go to." Cause, you know, we do go to a whole lot of shows. Shows where it cost $5 to get in, $7 or $8 for a CD, $10 if you wanted a T-shirt, and you just stood around, chilling, and it's cool like that. We went to a show last night in Lansing and all the above was true. And I'd have to say I probably enjoy these little shows a whole lot more than I've enjoyed all four 'NSync concerts I've been to if you combined them simply because they're so relaxed, and everybody's nice. You don't get death stares from some teeny bopper because you say something about Lance. And the bands actually walk around after they play to watch the other bands, they sell their CD's, and they encourage you to come tak to them. Two different worlds, two completely different worlds. Maybe after the 'NSync concert our enthusiasm will have increased, and you'll get a wonderful rave, instead of a rant. -Cali

March 11, 2002
Hi and Howdy Doody!(that's Cali's new catch phrase) This is both Cali and Bennie! Yes folks, we are back up at school and relaxed after a week's vacation. Now reunited, we are very super dope silly to the freshest, and Cali has Tired of Sex stuck in her head.(yahoo for weezer! Rivers is a genious!) Anywho, Florida was fun, and Cali got sun poisoning. She didnt meet the boys, but she did she a Chester look-alike and pet a sting ray who she lovingly named Jimmy-Bob. There was also a turtle named George with air trapped in his bum, so he swam funny with his butt up in the air. But enough about Florida. I wrote, and got some spectacular punktastic tennis shoes! They are black converse one stars, and I love them and I got tube socks with black stripeys to match, and I also got a really great new CD by the New Amsterdams and a new sweater from PacSun for ten dollars, and when I did write it was a lot, and I am almost done with Part Two of Tired Of The Lie, and Cali just said that this was a really long run on sentence. Shout Out time!(feel like TRL...Ahh!! Carson! Holla!) To Rebecca, our newest Guest Book entriest: Dear, you can have Chris. You can have him any day of the week. All you want. You have called dibs. Cali's response to your entry: "Oh, Rebecca"(deep sigh) Next person. Lucy in the sky with diamonds: You rock, chicky girl! Your fiction will bring down da house, bring in da noise, bring down da house, we came here to turn the party out, say come on, come on, lets raise the roof, we give them proof that we can get loose y'all. Anywho, welcome to the family. Pheebs: you have the cutest site ever and are the cutest little thing weve ever seen! You write that fiction down under! To our Aussie Posse, what what? (can I get a?) To anyone here we haven't mentioned, go sign the guest book or drop us an email, and we will give you a shout out too! Why? Because we are awesome very kick ass with the cool. (in cute as pie Annie terms) And finally, to our dear editor Sunny, after reading your rant and your email, we would just like to say we are sorry you almost died, but look at the fun side, I'm sure it was a fun spin around the block. And, tell Andy we said hi, were glad that he is safe, and dont be mad at his dad, it is between them. And you have to come and see Bennies new haircut. That is it! Happy clicking folks! ~Cali and Bennie

March 10, 02
Hey everyone! I would like to take this moment to say that I almost died last night. Yeah, at the ripe old age of 18. Ok, so the story is, my boyfriend and I were at a small gathering of friends and it was time to leave, so he dropped his little sister off at home first, then was going to drop me off. (I don't drive, but that's another story.) So we dropped her off and went on our way. As we approached a red light on one of the main streets in our city, he braked, and low and behold, the ground was just one big sheet of ice. So we spun out and went in a nice circle and as we're heading pretty darn fast towards a parked minivan, our front tire on the driver's side hit the curb about a foot away from the van and we stop. OH MY GOODNESS! So after we gained our bearings we started back on our way, much slower mind you, but that didn't keep us from swerving and being blown along on the ice. We went on the expressway thinking that it would be better than the streets we were taking, but it was worse. It was just a huge sheet of ice, like, you could whip out your ice skates and play ice hockey. (Heck, if you skated home, you probably would have made it faster than we did.) Anyway, I prayed a whole a lot and I was like "God, this is where you come in and remember that we're your babies and that our lives are in your hands, so please keep us safe." We made it home in one piece, but I was so nervous and scared about him driving home that I talked to my mom and had her talk to his dad, and he spent the night. WHAT!!?? Ok, so I know, that might sound pathetic to some people, and you might doubt my motives, but phooey! It was our 3 month anniversary last night, and I kinda want my boyfriend to make it to 4 months. He slept in my little brother's room I would like to complain however, about the parents of the male gender in this world. So we almost died in the car coming over here and when Andy called his dad to ask about staying over, he was not only way more worried about the van than about his son, but he even implied that we had other reasons for him to stay over. He told my mom to "keep an eye on him." Come on! Where is his faith in his son? Why do dads care more about their precious automobiles then their own flesh and blood? My dad yelled at my brother for getting in a car accident once because he dented the car and "We take care of our things!" Hello?! Where are our priorities? You can buy a new car, it's an old van anyway, you can't buy a new Andy. He's an elder in his church for peets sake, he should know that material possessions mean nothing and are worth nothing. You can't take it with you when you go! Grr!!! That made me mad! I just wanted to shake him and yell "LOVE YOUR SON! HE GETS HIS WORTH FROM YOU!!" Why is it so hard for the fathers of this world to show a little compassion towards their children. (Some fathers are excluded, but not many.) Ok, I guess I'm done with my rant. But first I should add how grateful I am to God that we made it home safely, and how grateful I am to my mom for being the wonderful, loving, understanding, and trusting woman that she is. She didn't doubt us for a second. I should also add that it was a little unnerving to know that I was sleeping in the same house as my boyfriend. I had to wake up a couple minutes before him to brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. How do people live together without the guarantee of marriage? I just don't get it. But oh, my Andy's so cute. Ok, now I'm really done because I have to get ready for church. Talk to you later! -Sunny

Next Twenty
Home, home on the range...